What happened in Gunnison County Colorado?

Northern Dancer

I was reading with sadness about two women 42 and 43, sisters, and a boy 14 [son of one of the women]
whose bodies were discovered in an isolated campground in Gunnison County Colorado.

[More details from "Gear Junkie" the newsletter about the great outdoors.]

It alerted my attention again about being lost and what to do.
I've done some research on the matter and I found myself somewhat confused about the ideas and suggestions made by several organizations.
It seemed to me it was always about the ideal - you should have this and that.
But I've been lost twice.
All I had at the time was a staff and one water bottle.
I didn't have all the stuff these other people felt that I should be carrying.


I had to read this sign twice to get the message but in reality, it is correct.
STOP! Stay where you are.
If you get the feeling or you know for sure you are lost you need to stop, sit down and pull yourself together.
There is a program called "Hug A Tree" designed primarily for children and youth, but packed with good advice for all of us.

The idea is you control your thinking process and calm yourself down. It is the panic that creates a lot of problems for us as vulnerable humans.

AND YES - following the standard guidelines is always a good thing to do. Things like ----->
You never leave the campsite without people knowing.
Not even to go to the "can", outhouse, whatever.
People need to know where you are at all times.
Stay on the marked trails.
Learn how to use a compass because your GSP might not work.
Pay attention to what's happening around you.

Forest Service U.S. Department of Agriculture
National Association for Search and Rescue




Minden, NV
What to do if you get last has been discussed a lot and most outdoor people have high awareness about it.

The case of the two sisters and their son, is a different matter entirely. Maybe due to the popularity of tv shows like Alone and Naked and Afraid, some people are coming up with this idea that can live in the bush permanently. Colorado would be a poor choice because of the winter.
This is a tragedy that is likelly to be repeated. The general populace seems to becoming dumber every year. How can we explain falling off cliffs and taking selfies with wild animals?

Northern Dancer

What to do if you get last has been discussed a lot and most outdoor people have high awareness about it.

The case of the two sisters and their son, is a different matter entirely. Maybe due to the popularity of tv shows like Alone and Naked and Afraid, some people are coming up with this idea that can live in the bush permanently. Colorado would be a poor choice because of the winter.
This is a tragedy that is likelly to be repeated. The general populace seems to becoming dumber every year. How can we explain falling off cliffs and taking selfies with wild animals?
-----> The two sisters and the son is a peculiar case and it is going to take a while before the mystery is unravelled. It's been over a year since being deceased and no one reported them missing at the time. It's a case for Sherlock Holmes.

It's true what you say; I'm just amazed and sometimes aghast watching the behaviour of these human animals. Oh, right, I'm one of them too. Even the simplest of safety rules are abandoned and people do their thing as if they are invincible. I stopped that stuff years ago when I learned from experience I am not invincible and I'm very much replaceable. :Frown2: