Why is camping so attractive...

Northern Dancer

Hello everyone!

The season of Spring seems to be having some trouble getting started in this neck of the woods. The other day the morning was balmy and then by the afternoon, it poured rain turning into snow, and blizzard conditions took over. We still have snow mounds in parking lots as a result of a snowstorm three weeks ago.

But alas I think of camp. Such a simple word that can excite the inner being.

I was listening to a local classical station this morning and every now and then the commentator would say, "Music, for a crazy world. That's it, I thought. It's a crazy world and one of the few escapes I embrace with a passion is camp. That's why it's so attractive - I can be myself. I can retreat from chaos and just be me. Ya, that's what it is - it's an escape from a crazy world.

Why is it so attractive to you?



Well-Known Member
East Tn
Yes you are correct. I enjoy being out in nature living with what ever mother nature throws in my path. Listening to the birds and other animals that exist with out the modern conviences us humans have. Sitting near a camp fire until late at night playing aerobic games of moving your chair around the fire dodging the smoke when it changes direction. Laying at night listening to the sounds of a breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. The sounds of distant thunder, a little lightning flashing across the sky, you noticed I said a little lightning,. I even like the sound of rain on the tent that cascades me to sleep. I don't look to camping as an escape from my daily routine of existing in the modern age.

The Great Outdoors


Minden, NV
I figured out the a forest is the place I am most comfortable, by the age of 9. It took another decade and a half to become a forester.
Nature has endless variety in familiar and repeating patterns. There is plenty of space. It is quiet. It is mostly pleasant. There is wildlife to see, rivers to listen to, the wind, the quiet. My blood pressure goes down just thinking about it.

The outdoors have been my vocation, recreation, work out plan, mental health plan and a place to rejuvenate. I used to hunt and fish a lot. Now I fish a little and spend a lot of time looking at forests.

Camping means you can stay out there. You can wake up there. You can cook dinner and stare into a fire. You can be there at night.