Winter Hiking


New Member
To keep our legs in some kind of reasonable shape in the northern winter, my wife and I have taken to hiking a local hike and bike trail, segment by segment. We are fortunate to have one that's paved, the Centennial Trail, is 37 miles in length and travels along the Spokane River for most of its route. We're not the most sure footed people in the world, so trudging through snow and ice is not something we relish. We've learned where the snowiest sections are and hike them either early/late in the season. Confining our hiking to weekends makes it a bit of a challenge since each hike is out and back, so we actually cover over 74 miles. In addition, we've discovered which trails in the area are the most hikeable and least treacherous during the winter. Then, of course, there's always Tucson and Las Vegas!