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  1. T

    Hunting for Meat or for Fun?

    I hunt for fun. However, the meat is an excellent outcome as well. very tasty. When I say I hunt for fun, I don't mean I am wasteful or just kill to kill. I like hunting, not killing to kill.
  2. T

    Do you hike in cold/winter weather?

    I love hiking in the winter. But it really doesn't get very cold here in south mississippi. The coldest highs will be in the 50s, which I consider to be a great hiking temperature.
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    Tent for Backpacking

    I use a kelty stick1. It's a one man tent that is just under 2lbs. I've had it for about 3 years now. It has been through many rain storms and never even thought about leaking. I've tried to find another because I love it so much, but I can't seem to find another anywhere.
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    Hiking Poles

    I tend to think it all depends on how long you're hiking or backpacking. I generally use a nice wooden staff when on a short hike. But when I'm backpacking for a week or so I take my poles. They relieve a lot of weight off of your knees and back and are very helpful on hills. When doing long...
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    Sleeping In Hammocks

    I have an ENO hammock. I love backpacking with it. The problem I've run into is that it is only good in perfect weather conditions, warm and dry. ENO does however make outer layers for warmth, bug nets, and rainflys. but after you get all of this, your pack is heavier than it would have been...