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  1. ryoga-kun

    Chilling Melons

    Yup, another reason why I love rivers.
  2. ryoga-kun

    Camping in the same place?

    I think they're both satisfying for their own reasons.
  3. ryoga-kun

    Your Web Site?

    Why's it bad etiquette? I doubt most of us have a site that would be a replacement for this forum.
  4. ryoga-kun

    Survival Experiences

    Like I said, poor planning. lol
  5. ryoga-kun

    Bear Grylls Survival Kit

    Actually being a former military person myself, only idiots would choose to do such silly stuff especially if there are safer alternatives. This guy's just doing it for a show. Seriously. You can try some high risk far from friendly forces where MEDEVAC may not be feasible and then break a...
  6. ryoga-kun

    Survival Water Question

    Yeah I tried the living daylights out of it. Doesn't yield enough to be worth the trouble. I know all about digging. It just doesn't generate enough water and I only have so many cups.
  7. ryoga-kun

    Sleeping Pads

    I prefer foam. Figured if the inflatable one got punctured it'd be the end of padding for me.
  8. ryoga-kun

    Reflective tree tacks

    I used a reflective belt for some key important markers for night time.
  9. ryoga-kun

    Head Lamp

    I miss the time when that used to actually mean it was high quality.
  10. ryoga-kun

    Bear Grylls Survival Kit

    I don't doubt his service or any of his achievements but to advertise it as the source of his training and then go off doing all kinds of dangerous/highly-not-recommended stuff out in the field and attribute it to his special forces (SAS) training does make the special operations community look bad.
  11. ryoga-kun


    These things are absolute money. My brother has one. I have one that's in ACU and a bit smaller, but the MARPAT tarp (issued gear actually) was amazing.
  12. ryoga-kun

    Speaking of People Stealing While You're Camping

    The POS gear that I generally have is deterrent enough lol
  13. ryoga-kun

    Head Lamp

    Good stuff!
  14. ryoga-kun

    Any Confrontations with Predators?

    I use a whistle and blow it every now and then if I'm feeling nervous about predators. I think it works well. Haven't had any trouble. It's the snakes I'm worried about.
  15. ryoga-kun

    Survival Water Question

    Have you built a still that generates enough water to be worth the trouble? I haven't been able to do so. If someone can, I'd like to know how.
  16. ryoga-kun

    Survival Experiences

    If you ever had to be in such a situation, odds are your planning was horrible.
  17. ryoga-kun

    Bear Grylls Survival Kit

    No serious outdoor survival person takes Bear Grylls seriously. He gives a bad name to special operations people everywhere.
  18. ryoga-kun

    A Question Of Survival

    My Ka-Bar knife. For boiling water and stuff... I can find clay on river banks (it'll take some time) and construct a bowl. The quality will be bad but it'll do it's job. If I don't find any clay... actually I thought of two things that I might experiment in future. ;)
  19. ryoga-kun

    SAS Handbook

    I have the book and I recommend it highly. However, don't trust the part regarding finding plants to eat etc. It's not that the information is inaccurate, most of us lack the expertise to make any use of it.
  20. ryoga-kun

    Wild Foods

    Guys, never learn off TV. And as for mushrooms and stuff, there are some which are poisonous that look a LOT like the edible kind. I avoid it all like the devil. All it takes is one mistake and you're gone. The only plant I eat outside are dandelions. In the tropics I'll also eat coconuts...