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  1. C


    I'm a bit of a hoarder when it comes to camping supplies. I can just never seem to get rid of anything. Maybe cleaning out all the stuff I never use anymore would be a good winter project.
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    Sounds like a fun project, but we never get enough snow here to try it. We're lucky if a whole yard can make for one sad-looking snowman most years.
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    New River

    Has anyone ever gone rafting down the New River in WV? I'm working on planning a trip this summer, and was wondering if anyone had any companies they'd recommend for it.
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    Anyone ever tried Firesteel?

    I can vouch for this stuff working quite well, but in most situations a lighter or some matches will serve you just as well. It's always a good idea to have more than one way of starting a fire handy, though.
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    Taking Pictures At Night

    If you have a manual camera, you can somewhat avoid needing the tripod in low light if you adjust your F-stop to compensate for it. Be prepared for some depth-of-field oddities, though.
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    Stranded on a jungle island

    I think I'm with Lamebeaver on this one. Can I maybe just take Orlando Bloom to the island with me and call it a day? :)
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    Any camera suggestions?

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a good camera to take hiking with you that won't break the bank? There's a lot of wildlife in my area, but with my current camera there's about a three second lag between pushing the button and it actually taking the picture, and by then the fox or deer is gone.
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    Don't Underestimate The Power Of A Horse

    I think it's very easy for folks to underestimate how strong hoofed animals can be. There was a story that was floating around on the internet a few years back about this guy who tried to rope a deer, and it beat the tar out of him.
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    Disgusting people

    How hard is it to grasp "Take only pictures, leave only footprints". If these people are not going to clean up after themselves, then they shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us.
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    Vermont Hunting accident

    It's always a shame when something like this happens, but honestly it's not too hard a mistake to make. You see movement and react without thinking, and something horrible happens as a result.
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    Dumbest thing you've ever done while camping?

    What's the dumbest mistake you've ever made while camping? For me it'd probably be the time we brought hickory firewood with us. Apollo himself couldn't make that stuff burn.
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    Pumpkin Pie

    It keeps a lot longer if refrigerated, but no, refrigeration isn't strictly necessary. :) I do think it tastes a lot better cold, though! It's hard to beat a good home-made pie.
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    Favorite place you've camped?

    Mine was camping out in Yellowstone for two weeks. We had this nice little spot by Slough Creek that was absolutely beautiful! Got to see a lot of very bold wildlife, too. (Downside: Mosquitoes the size of pelicans.)
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    Ever taking a cat camping?

    I'd be too worried about losing the cat, personally. Even if it was a laid-back cat who didn't mind a harness, you never know what might happen. Best to keep them home where they're safe.
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    Bottled water or Campground water?

    I always bring a lot of my own water until I see what's to be had where I'm going. In a pinch, though, I'll drink almost anything.