Rafting the waters of BC


New Member
There's enough water in the province of BC to float the U.S. Navy (hell, they even have an outpost here, but that's another post).

Two regions in the middle of BC offer some really great rafting and tours; depending on the time of the year, you could be in for one serious ride, and a very wet one at that.

Hell's Gate is the name of one such rafting sight. It's part of the Fraser River that runs through 2/3 of BC, and when the Spring freshette hits, it becomes a torrent that the rafting companies will NOT brave.

Hell's Gate, British Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some of the outfitters and companies working Hell's Gate offer some really neat opportunities: understand that they're geared to the inexperienced, so it's pretty cushy when it comes to camping and such.

Fraser River Rafting Trips

The Thompson River also has some great white-water and speed, it joins the Fraser River just north of Hell's Gate.

Whitewater Rafting BC | Thompson River Rafting Vancouver British Columbia Canada

There's a major thrill to be had in one of those rafts, it's better than a trip to the midway/amusement park for the stomach-dropping.


New Member
This sounds great, I would love to go whitewater rafting there. I could even bring the kids to this one from the sound of it.