Remembering why I paddle...


Active Member
West Virginia
Memorial Day evening, I took my canoe out to a backwater area below town. It's a place I go often because its a quick drive and nice and quiet.

I got in about an hour and a half before sundown and paddled down to the far end and just stooged around. There were some people fishing from and we had some friendly talk.

At the furthest end close to the opening to the main river it was deserted and quiet. I let the canoe drift and took in the sights and sounds and smells.

Honeysuckle is in full bloom here and the air was sweet with the scent. The air was hot but there was a gentle breeze. I just sat and watched herons and egrets and ducks go about their affairs. A few fish jumped and a beaver swam close to the canoe before being startled and slapping the water with his tail as he dived.

Painted turtles sunned themselves on fallen logs and bats whirled and dived as they caught bugs.

As I sat there, I reflected on just how few people nowadays take the time to just sit and appreciate the natural world.

I can hook up my little trailer, drive 4 miles and put in the water and suddenly I'm away from all the pressures of life. The leaky water heater, balky car, shaggy lawn and everything else can be put away for a while.

I can get a little (or a lot) of exercise, fish , or just sit and drift and think.

A little trip like that probably lowers my blood pressure by 20 points and recharges my batteries.

That's why I paddle.


New Member
Awesome and nicely written. It's great to be able to get away from it all from time to time. Especially when it's so close to home. It sounds like heaven to me - I can just picture exactly what you are talking about.


fear no beer
Not sure how I missed this, but thank you for sharing. I'm trying to find some honeysuckle to plant. Love that smell.

Subaru Camper

New Member
Wow, wvbreamfisherman, my thoughts exactly. With the current state of the world it seems everyone is rushing and hustling and never take the time to stop and just breathe in some fresh air and see some natural surroundings. I paddle and hike at some state parks literally 7 miles away from my apartment but when I'm there I am hundreds and thousands of miles away from my worries. Whether hiking with my dog or kayaking with my thoughts there is nothing better than taking a break from the hustle and bustle and just breathing in some fresh air and taking in the surroundings.

I remember why I paddle every time I just let the current take me and sit back and relax.