Doomsday Preppers


New Member
The collapse of the housing market in 2008/2009 could very well have thrown us into a depression. I'm not a big Obama fan, but the move to temporarily increase government spending to keep the economy rolling WAS the right thing to do. I didn't work as well as a lot of people would have liked, but let's face could have been a lot worse. Even then, a depression is not exactly the end of the world. We came out of the last one, we'll survive the next one.

There's always someone predicting a collapse. it's been going on for at least 2-3,000 years. Will the food you're burying in 55 gal drums be edible in 17 years? If so I wouldn't want to eat it. If the world economy collapses, there will be plenty of advance warning.

If you want to prepare for the next upheavel, look at lessons learned from the last depression.

1. Don't invest money in speculative ventures you can't afford to lose.
2 Don't borrow money you won't be able pay back if you have a significant cut in income
3 don'y buy crap you don't need
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New Member
Long term economic predictions are less accurate than long term weather predictions. When someone says that the world economy will crash in 20 years, one of two things is happening:

1. They're totally making it up.

2. They're assuming that there will be no major economic change in the entire world in the next 20 years. Which is even crazier than completely making it up.

"Hope for the best, but plan for the worst," is still a good policy. But not because someone is predicting the economic collapse of the world; someone predicts that the world will end roughly every other year. Planning for the worst is a good idea because of totally unsexy and undramatic things like the power grid going down locally and natural disasters cutting off food distribution.

I mean, people had been predicting that 1666 would mark the end of the world for a long time. Then, when London caught on fire, a lot of people were convinced that it was the end. But it was just London catching on fire. Again. Dealing with the fire was the proper solution.


Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
To a certain extent humans are hard wired to store food supplies to get them through the coming winters or when things simply get scarce. Even the Anasazi overused their recourses and ran out of not only game but fuel supplies too. But then there was the terror of the 13th century when all the defensive structures were built. Even so whole villages were overrun and all within massacred and mutilated. There are many signs of butchering and cannibalism.

No, when they drop the big one you better be able to move. Watch the movie A Boy and His Dog. That is the way it will be. Anyone dug in are going to be easy targets. Sure they will go to ground for a while but humans are not made to live like rodents. They will come up and pop, right between the eyes, you are food while they wait out the others. You have to move, hit and run, never spend the night in the same place and you are going to need a dog. I have one and we are ready. This is mine;

He is trained the art of desert warfare and constant travel. As you can see he has his little leopard skin coat, kind of an Elvis thing he has going, and his little booties for the sharp and abrasive rocks. I made those booties myself, sang a little song while I sewed them, The Rose of Alabamy.

Anyway none of this matters because you will already be dead. It won’t be human caused either. The 1918-19 pandemic and its aftermath in 1920 is estimated to have killed up to 100 millions humans. It even reached to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands. Birds brought the virus to bear upon every corner of the earth. There were only 1.8 billion people on earth at that time and some were very spread out. The next time it will be terribly worse. We will be brought down by a microscopic bug.

Maybe that asteroid will hit serving up instant nuclear winter.

For us, we are going to stay on the move, hunt up those caches of canned goods and dream of that place over the hill where the livin’ is easy, kind of like it is now.

Well, that is my opinion which is not worth a plug nickel more than anybody else’s in this crazy dream.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Faraday cages

A single atmospheric nuclear detonation releases enough electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to equal 100,000 volts per square centimeter on the ground. A single detonation 200 to 400 miles over the center of the continental United States would fry every unprotected computer chip from coast to coast, and from the middle of Canada to the middle of Mexico. And we are now into Solar Cycle 23, with solar flares common and expected to continue until the first of next year. CME's are capable of extreme damage to modern computerized equipment! Sure, we have our windup BayGen radio's and spare lap top computers, but unless electronic equipment is protected from an electromagnetic pulse, they will be fried!
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New Member
What kind of doomsday, a global disaster or just nature disaster? I'd be prepared for the latter but the global type, supernova, giant solar rays hitting the earth or such, there's no choice but to rely on the saying "if it's our time, it's our time."


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
When Einstein and the others first refined and purified uranium, they took time off and studied its properties. That is when they discovered the "rays" that were harmful, as well as the phase transformations. In the course of their work, one of the scientists discovered that simply covering an object with a grounded copper mesh would stop virtually all electromagnetic radiation, whether proton or neutron. Obviously, they had to protect their monitoring equipment! Thus was born the "Faraday cage."

The copper mesh, like 1 inch chicken wire, worked well in large uses, like covering buildings, and it is still in use today: FEMA headquarters buildings are dome-shaped earth-bermed structures, and under the earth is a copper mesh that extends out from the base and is secured by grounding rods.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
When Einstein and the others first refined and purified uranium, they took time off and studied its properties. That is when they discovered the "rays" that were harmful, as well as the phase transformations. In the course of their work, one of the scientists discovered that simply covering an object with a grounded copper mesh would stop virtually all electromagnetic radiation, whether proton or neutron. Obviously, they had to protect their monitoring equipment! Thus was born the "Faraday cage."

The copper mesh, like 1 inch chicken wire, worked well in large uses, like covering buildings, and it is still in use today: FEMA headquarters buildings are dome-shaped earth-bermed structures, and under the earth is a copper mesh that extends out from the base and is secured by grounding rods.
As are all the buildings at sites such as ATK (formerly Thiokol) where large rocket motor fuel is manufactured and cast into the large motors. Those buildings are also encased in Faraday Shields to protect from outside surges.


New Member
There was a show on TV last night about doomsday preppers. Some people are really serious. One of the people was teaching their 2-3 year old how to shoot a gun. I was kind of surprised at that.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
When I was a kid growing up, we had huge jack rabbit populations. We could shoot a brick of .22's in just a few hours and we didn't miss too many. They would hold "rabbit drives" and to make it short, 6000-7000 rabbits would be harvested off 640 acres. But as the rabbit populations grew, eventually natured leveled it out herself with an epidemic of Tularema (rabbit fever) and it would take about 7 years for the rabbit population to start showing enmass again. This cycle has been interrupted by man's intervention of removing much of the rabbits habitat.

The earths population has exploded to 7 billion people now. The CDC does not talk about "if" a pandemic is going to break out but "when." It may be a natural occurence or it may be terrorist induced but it will happen, unless some other tragedy depletes the human population first. This earth can no longer sustain the amount of resource depletion going on. That other tragedy could be man made or it could be nature but something has got to give. If oil becomes too precious, those big tractors that drink 10-15gallons of diesel an hour will be shut down. Where does your food come from then? Considering a large amount of food is now coming from out of country, (yes, check the country of origin on that next bunch of grapes) what happens if any kind of dissension breaks out between us and them?

Water is becoming a premium. If you go rafting on the Colorado river, there are signs warning you, that water belongs to someone somewhere. You can be fined if caught drinking a cup of that water. To meet the demand for food, the dry farms through out the west and mid west have given way to big irrigation wells. If you fly over Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and many other states, those circles you see down there are 640 acre sections with a big center pivot sprinker system that goes around in the circle irrigating the crops. All these thousands of wells have lowered the ground water aquifer by 100's of feet. Many states are now worried that wells will have to be shut off, giving what little water that is left to culinary only users. There goes your internal food supplies folks.

The experts are in agreement, the biggest problem we face is denial. Denial that any of this could happen. A few will survive, but as reality sets in on those who chose to deny or ignore, the panic will hit.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Wow, I knew about the solar flare taking out telegraph wires in the 1860's and I knew they could create an EMP with a missle but I did not know about the hole in the earths magnetic field.

*potential EMP, from either terrorists or natural occurence
*potential Pandemic, either from terrorists, overpopulation, or natural occurence.
*Water crisis nation wide resulting in loss of most of our agricultural capability
*prohibitive fuel costs for operating farm equipment or transportation equipment
*total lack of world trust in the US dollar causing massive inflation such as post WWI Germany, current Greece and possibly the entire European Union as well as the USA.
*Several other scenario rumblings I have heard
*And the everpresent possibility of some nut case dictator flipping the big nuke switch.

Good luck folks, good thing we have back to nature trips to take our minds of this stuff.

by the way, anyone who can make it here contributing beans, bullets or bandaids will be welcomed.
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Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
Lots to consider, but in the meantime we should always be prepared: for no one knows the day or the hour...our lives will not go on indefinitely. For those that believe, there will be something far better than we can possibly comprehend or conceive. While I hope to survive any number of possible disasters, I chose to live my life the best that I can daily and hope that there is a spot for me in a wondrous new world/ heaven when my name is called to depart this life. Just my belief.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Lots to consider, but in the meantime we should always be prepared: for no one knows the day or the hour...our lives will not go on indefinitely. For those that believe, there will be something far better than we can possibly comprehend or conceive. While I hope to survive any number of possible disasters, I chose to live my life the best that I can daily and hope that there is a spot for me in a wondrous new world/ heaven when my name is called to depart this life. Just my belief.
Wait for me Judy..I'll be there soon.

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
Fridge with that 100 pound pack you carry around you'll be around long after I've fallen off some cliff! ;)

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
I expect you to get to high country where I am and set down inside my underground bunker and enjoy some Hot chocolate. Bring your dog too.
I might just HAVE to take you up on that Fridge. Abby will pack in treats for Trail and Mindy. Thank you for the invite, but hopefully no one will be forced to such extremes in order to survive...all this reminds me of the cold war days when everyone had well stocked bomb shelters.