Doomsday Preppers

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
How has everyone planned to manage waste? Compost tanks? Who will have hydoponics for fruits and vegetables? I always thought solar tiles and windmills could provide energy and maybe tap into underground cisterns or wells for water. Don't forget the birds to send out to see if life is sustainable. Reminds me a little of Noah and his ark!


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
How has everyone planned to manage waste? Compost tanks? Who will have hydoponics for fruits and vegetables? I always thought solar tiles and windmills could provide energy and maybe tap into underground cisterns or wells for water. Don't forget the birds to send out to see if life is sustainable. Reminds me a little of Noah and his ark!
Judy this a part of me that you have not seen. I don't speak about my dooms day plans while out Backpacking. All of your questions have already been addressed and plans have been set. My underground shelter is situated in a way that I have a full bathroom and a sewer system flowing to a septic system that is existing already as my main system for my Home...Bunker is up hill giving me birth and depth to build my bunker below ground....I also have a hand pump that delivers 4 gallons a minute connected to my 180 ft well that has been rated by the health dept as 25 gallons a water will not be a problem..I am collecting many magazines just in case I do run out of toilet paper....

I also have enough propane to last me for a year and gasoline with stabilizer to last me a year...approx 400 gallons petrol and 500 gal propane...not counting the already stock piled propane bottles and smaller tanks.....

I also have 80 rolls of toilet paper so maybe I will not need a catalog or a corn Cobb...


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
you know I also have dogs Judy and have made arrangement for food for there survival. I have been vacuum packaging dog food now for the past 6 months at 350 lbs of food sealed and reserved in a cool location underground. No air , No moisture and temps at 55 or below will guarantee me no grain mites....

Mormons are experts in food storing.. I have used there methods.....I also have been canning dog foods much the same way human foods are canned..... My dogs are a part of me and where I go..they go as well...


Well-Known Member
I think it's great that some of us have the place to achieve their goals in preparing. I also think that whether or not others agree with you in all your efforts, what ever you do to provide for your own security can never be criticized. People do it all the time with their fiances and what ever. I'd be doing the same thing if I were in your shoes. No matter what the crisis is, preparing for the worst can never be the wrong decision. There are so many pro & cons to all these theories, who do you believe. I've never been a gambler, why take chances. If it's the end of the world, oh well, but if you just need to outlast all the rest after an event that put's us all on our knees, it just shows who the real fighters and survivors are. God Bless!


Well-Known Member
There was a show on TV last night about doomsday preppers. Some people are really serious. One of the people was teaching their 2-3 year old how to shoot a gun. I was kind of surprised at that.
The earlier then better. Start young before bad habits are introduced. It instill's responsibly and intelligence. Handling a weapon become a way of life and not a new "toy" later on down the line.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
How has everyone planned to manage waste? Compost tanks? Who will have hydoponics for fruits and vegetables? I always thought solar tiles and windmills could provide energy and maybe tap into underground cisterns or wells for water. Don't forget the birds to send out to see if life is sustainable. Reminds me a little of Noah and his ark!
Our situation here is a little different. For starters, everything now is septic tank and drainfield but the old outhouse is still serviceable and it has a hardwood seat. :tinysmile_fatgrin_t (complete with catalougs Refridgerator) :tinysmile_twink_t2: With a couple of live streams running through the place for grey water and a hand pump as a backup to the well for culinary water, those issues are okay. Only certain scenarios will cause us to leave the houses and head for the cellars.

But our biggest asset are the people here. The entire valley is organized for just such catastrophies. It will be a "united we stand" response.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
There was a show on TV last night about doomsday preppers. Some people are really serious. One of the people was teaching their 2-3 year old how to shoot a gun. I was kind of surprised at that.
This isn't the doomsdayers. It is fact of life around here. Just as soon as a child interest picks up about "daddy's gun" the lessons start. Our first lesson usually involves a milk jug full of water or a watermelon and a 12 guage with 00 buckshot. That chills them out for a few months but then the teaching begins in earnest. A small frame .22, a set of good ear protectors and the real lessons begin. By 5 or 6, they know the rules and are very proficient. My granddaughter got her very own PINK (yes that is the color of the stock) .22 when she was 6. She is now 8. (hint) don't make any bets against her on a 50ft target.


Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
For anyone concerned with these preparedness issues there was a two hour special this weekend on the National Geographic channel. It was titled When Aliens Attack. Now the National Geographic channel is not some kook channel and this issue is complex enough to have a two hour program.

They said it is not a matter of if they will attack but when they will attack. They said that the government knows all about it but isn’t saying anything. Same with the scientists and the reason nobody is talking is they don’t have a clue what to do when they do attack. When they come we can send our most advanced fighters against them, the F18 that carries 10,000 lbs of ordinance, but when they fire the fastest, most accurate missiles it will be like this; you ever been in a dirt clod fight where the 40 watt bulb on the other side throws his clod and you just step out of the way as it whistles by and then nail him over and over with your own reserve? That is what they are going to do. They are star voyagers and didn’t get here by bumbling across the galaxy. They know advanced propulsion and maneuvering techniques that far surpass our own technologies. They are just going to jump out of the way at the last second and the missile will sail on by and never reacquire. Then they down all our aircraft and send in the ground machines. We are going to be toast… or ham and eggs if they happen to like the taste of human.

Now most of the time my dog is just plain lazy, laying in his $500 chair… the one I bought for myself but he took over so I had to go buy another one so I could sit down…he lays in that chair with the remote and a bag of chips, legs up in the air half the time. Finally this has paid off. He has seen The Wizard of Oz a bunch of times and is the same breed as Toto, a Cairn Terrier. If you recall the flying monkeys over ran poor Toto and swept him away. That wicked witch had advanced technology. Well, my boy thinks he has found an Achilles heel with those flying monkeys and we both figure that the aliens will be something like those flying monkeys. If we can draw them out of their air and ground craft out here in the deserts where we have the edge thing might go very badly for them. It is cunning that will bring them down, not technology. Plus this is our turf. Canyon country is going to do a real number on their scrawny rear ends. The biggest challenge I have is riding herd on the dog. He wants to fly one of the alien aircraft, like some kind of canine Buck Rogers and take one for the team if he has to. I mean it didn’t turn out well at all that time he tried to ride an ostrich at that farm we stopped by. Wheewh, that boy is crazy. Entertaining but flat out crazy.

Anyway if you get the chance check out the National Geographic channel and the eye opening program, When Aliens Attack. A contingency plan here is very advisable.


My three year old has her own Daisy pellet gun and she loves it! She is pretty darn accurate too. I was reading an interesting article here about the need to collect hard copies (you know actual books) about how to do and build some of the things technology helped us develop. The author had a good point about a loss of knowledge and skills if we do have some kind of long term power failure or other massive upheaval.


New Member
They said it is not a matter of if they will attack but when they will attack.
The nearest extrasolar planet is several light years away. At even sort of ridiculous degrees of acceleration (like a constant 4 Gs), it's going to take a few decades to get here. And that's if they do a ridiculous degree of acceleration from the nearest planet; if they do a reasonable degree of acceleration from the nearest planet that's likely to have life, it's going to be something like a century or more of space travel.

So, how exactly are they going to store their energy? Because unlike Star Trek, aliens are going to have to deal with physics. They're going to have to store their energy somehow, and the only ways that you can actually do that with enough to get from there to here is something like a Hawking generator, which requires singularities with thousands of tons of reaction mass, which doesn't even count the mass of the singularity itself (which would have to weigh a LOT more than that).

Long story short, people who think we're going to get attacked by aliens are smoking some serious crack. Or else huge swaths of physics are completely and utterly wrong in ways that are actually rather shocking.

But if aliens did get here to swipe all our resources, they're not going to fly ships into orbit and fight us. They're going to bombard us with asteroids from millions of miles away. They'll use their superior math skills to calculate trajectories and wipe out every major population center on the planet before we even know they're there. Rocks the size of small mountains are going to rain from the sky and hit with an impact that makes nukes look sort of gentle, and then any life remaining after the impact will die when the sun is blanketed out.

So don't bother planning for aliens. Because either we're close enough to correct about physics that it'll never happen, or the technology that it would require to cross those interstellar distances is sufficiently advanced so as to easily destroy all life on Earth with zero risk of us stopping them. There's really no middle ground worth betting on.


Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
The nearest extrasolar planet is several light years away. At even sort of ridiculous degrees of acceleration (like a constant 4 Gs), it's going to take a few decades to get here. And that's if they do a ridiculous degree of acceleration from the nearest planet; if they do a reasonable degree of acceleration from the nearest planet that's likely to have life, it's going to be something like a century or more of space travel.

So, how exactly are they going to store their energy? Because unlike Star Trek, aliens are going to have to deal with physics. They're going to have to store their energy somehow, and the only ways that you can actually do that with enough to get from there to here is something like a Hawking generator, which requires singularities with thousands of tons of reaction mass, which doesn't even count the mass of the singularity itself (which would have to weigh a LOT more than that).

Long story short, people who think we're going to get attacked by aliens are smoking some serious crack. Or else huge swaths of physics are completely and utterly wrong in ways that are actually rather shocking.

But if aliens did get here to swipe all our resources, they're not going to fly ships into orbit and fight us. They're going to bombard us with asteroids from millions of miles away. They'll use their superior math skills to calculate trajectories and wipe out every major population center on the planet before we even know they're there. Rocks the size of small mountains are going to rain from the sky and hit with an impact that makes nukes look sort of gentle, and then any life remaining after the impact will die when the sun is blanketed out.

So don't bother planning for aliens. Because either we're close enough to correct about physics that it'll never happen, or the technology that it would require to cross those interstellar distances is sufficiently advanced so as to easily destroy all life on Earth with zero risk of us stopping them. There's really no middle ground worth betting on.
Did you read my entire post with the slightest shred of understanding of the spirit is was posted with? :rofl:

Never mind...


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
They are not coming to bomb us and steal our resources. They are coming to steal our women and take over the Budweiser and Coors plants.:tinysmile_twink_t2:


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
thinking about buying a Halloween suite like maybe ET costume. Just maybe! This would be part of my prep for end of times.. then iffin I did use it, maybe trade my wife in for a case of Coors


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
thinking about buying a Halloween suite like maybe ET costume. Just maybe! This would be part of my prep for end of times.. then iffin I did use it, maybe trade my wife in for a case of Coors
Naw, wives come in handy sometimes. When we toured the Coors plant in Golden, they give each person three free samples. So if the wife is along that makes six for you.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t


I'm preparing for the next disaster the same way I prepared for Y2K. Ammunition.


New Member
Did you read my entire post with the slightest shred of understanding of the spirit is was posted with? :rofl:

Never mind...
So I tend to use this sort of serious-sounding sarcasm where I go way overboard, and it works in real life. But then I forget that it never, ever works online and do it via text. And then it doesn't work. Again.



Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
So I tend to use this sort of serious-sounding sarcasm where I go way overboard, and it works in real life. But then I forget that it never, ever works online and do it via text. And then it doesn't work. Again.

Well, I liked the part about bombarding us with asteroids from millions of miles away so I went back and marked your post as helpful but the remark that they didn't deal with physics in Star Trek is a low blow. Which part is not real?

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
Just thought of another issue...communication. If there are major issues forcing many of you to go "underground" for safety reasons i.e. pandemic illness, biological issues, killer solar flares, how will you be able to contact the first responders for updates? I will be at my hospital helping to hold down the fort in an environment somewhat prepared for some of the possible emergencies that could happen in our country. I will have my SPOT, smartphone, and work email and phones. I think that somehow one of these links would come up sooner or later and that major hospitals will become an integral link in the chain of command for national defense reasons. What do y'all think?


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Just thought of another issue...communication. If there are major issues forcing many of you to go "underground" for safety reasons i.e. pandemic illness, biological issues, killer solar flares, how will you be able to contact the first responders for updates? I will be at my hospital helping to hold down the fort in an environment somewhat prepared for some of the possible emergencies that could happen in our country. I will have my SPOT, smartphone, and work email and phones. I think that somehow one of these links would come up sooner or later and that major hospitals will become an integral link in the chain of command for national defense reasons. What do y'all think?
If EMP or killer solar flares takes out satellites your spot, GPS will not work.. I have a Ham radio and have it hardened and in a Faraday cage.

To protect your electronic gear from EMP you can store them in a Galvanized trash can inside a cardboard and easy. I have 3 such cans will small computer that has vital information as well as radios, and other much needed gear that will fry if EMP hits us...