Doomsday Preppers


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Judy it is possible if our way of life becomes on the brink of out of control that you as a Nurse, Doctors, EMT or anyone with medical knowledge will prolly be at risk of being commandeered either by the Gov or gangs....I have herd that some doctors will not disclose they are a doctor if civilization is at the breaking point.

Read the Novel ONE SECOND AFTER.

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
Thanks Fridge for the suggestions on protecting personal devices. Easy to put in my emergency bug out bag for the hospital. I have spent the last 15 plus years on emergency standby for homeland security or the equivalent and am always prepared. You and Grandpa are on my email addresses and unless I hear from either of you otherwise, I'll add you both to my SPOT in the event of an emergency at that time.

If anyone from the NorthEast, deep South, or SouthWest would like to be a contact person for your region you could pm me and I will add your name in the event of a real or perceived emergency to this nation. I'm just an old Southern girl who will be at work so those with families can do whatever. I hope and pray that the zombies/visitors from outer space/asteroids/germ warfare etc won't become a reality...TONGUE IN CHEEK/JUST JOKING FOLKS!!!


New Member
Well, I liked the part about bombarding us with asteroids from millions of miles away so I went back and marked your post as helpful but the remark that they didn't deal with physics in Star Trek is a low blow. Which part is not real?
The style of humour is to use stuff that's basically true and relevant, but is kind of ridiculous in context. So the content of that post is pretty much accurate.

Incidentally, bombardment with asteroids is actually probably your best way to go about blowing up a planet if you have the technology to do it. You only need to accelerate the mass a relatively short distance (as opposed to bringing it through space with you). They're actually pretty difficult to detect with our current level of technology, and they do actually hit like nukes. Even if you were to spot the things, it would be much, much harder to deflect the things than television would lead you to believe.

Sorry about dissing Star Trek. Truce? :)


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Just thought of another issue...communication. If there are major issues forcing many of you to go "underground" for safety reasons i.e. pandemic illness, biological issues, killer solar flares, how will you be able to contact the first responders for updates? I will be at my hospital helping to hold down the fort in an environment somewhat prepared for some of the possible emergencies that could happen in our country. I will have my SPOT, smartphone, and work email and phones. I think that somehow one of these links would come up sooner or later and that major hospitals will become an integral link in the chain of command for national defense reasons. What do y'all think?
I've mentioned our area is well organized. Communication issues have been covered. If you want more information on what we have done, I'll share outside the public forum.


New Member
When Rita kicked ass on SW Louisiana I went weeks without power or running water. National Guard couldn't get in because of all the downed trees (and they were all still in New Orleans). Since then, I keep a Hurricane Box. It's a large sterelite tote filled with food, TP, batteries, weather radio, first aid, cash, alcohol stove, etc. My girlfriend and I have enough to live for about 3 months if the worst happens. We rotate out the food and batteries.

Now I live in NC. If all hell breaks loose, I'll be the guy sitting on the porch with a cigar, reading a book because I won't have a care in the world. Those who would call me nuts now will be the same ones begging me for a can of dinosaur-shaped spaghetti-o's later.


Active Member
I guess I don't understand the argument. Some people believe a major disaster could happen. Some people do not. Some people want to be prepared for the major disaster. Some people do not feel the need.

Are the people preparing doing anything that harms the people who are not? No? Then why do the people who are not concerned care?


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
When Rita kicked ass on SW Louisiana I went weeks without power or running water. National Guard couldn't get in because of all the downed trees (and they were all still in New Orleans). Since then, I keep a Hurricane Box. It's a large sterelite tote filled with food, TP, batteries, weather radio, first aid, cash, alcohol stove, etc. My girlfriend and I have enough to live for about 3 months if the worst happens. We rotate out the food and batteries.

Now I live in NC. If all hell breaks loose, I'll be the guy sitting on the porch with a cigar, reading a book because I won't have a care in the world. Those who would call me nuts now will be the same ones begging me for a can of dinosaur-shaped spaghetti-o's later.
Sounds like you have a plan..


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
He're a article on EMP written by someone who actually knows what they're talking about, with citations from someone other than othe pseudo-scientists.

If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, my summary is: "You don't have anythigng to worry about."

The Space Review: The EMP threat: fact, fiction, and response (part 1) (page 1)
Not worried..just prepared.. just like a boy scout. Prepared for any disturbance with my way of life as it is now. EMP, CME, Weather or economic problems.

and by the is Yellowstone these days? Suppose that area being a small volcano is a lie! Colorado is safe!
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New Member
When Rita kicked ass on SW Louisiana I went weeks without power or running water. National Guard couldn't get in because of all the downed trees (and they were all still in New Orleans). Since then, I keep a Hurricane Box. It's a large sterelite tote filled with food, TP, batteries, weather radio, first aid, cash, alcohol stove, etc. My girlfriend and I have enough to live for about 3 months if the worst happens. We rotate out the food and batteries.

Now I live in NC. If all hell breaks loose, I'll be the guy sitting on the porch with a cigar, reading a book because I won't have a care in the world. Those who would call me nuts now will be the same ones begging me for a can of dinosaur-shaped spaghetti-o's later.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Although I expect to help others in a crisis, and also be helped by others, when I listen to what y'all think, I am reminded of that famous Irish toast;

Heres to you and heres to me
the best of friends we ever be
but if we ever friends should part
He!! with you, heres to me


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Honestly did not read the article, but wondering if it was the guy that was on the show?

I have to admit, I would buy one if I could for nothing else but the novelty of it. I think it would be fun to live in one. Although I would need a small above ground house.
Most of those NORAD sites along the northern border are having their minutemen missiles refurbished although some have been shut down and sold. These are usally bought by individuals and furnished as bomb shelter homes.
The big boomer missles silos in the mid west, such as Kansas and Oklahoma are so huge, it takes a developer to convert them and then sell levels to people. The boomer silos are 160 feet deep and already have rooms set off from the silo itself.

As long as we are talking potential catastrophes, what about a pole shift causing the plates to shift and those areas become inland seas? As a farmer who flood irrigates, it is amazing how a good stream of water can decimate a gopher population.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Funny, there's nothing like this on the NASA website, but I did find this

NASA - 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?
Now that is funny...I never mentioned end of the world as well. I did however post what was published by NASA as preparedness information..

Personally I don't think we have serious problems with CME, I do however look at what is happening in the world,(Korea,Iran,Syria) not to mention 25 other countries with WAR or brink of bankruptcy or starvation and what is happening in our own country.

Inflation, Value of the dollar and our values as a Nation. Principles of what our Nation was founded on are now crumbling.

I am ready???? I doubt it.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Planet Earth will remain in the bull’s-eye until that giant, solar storm-spawning sunspot known as AR 1429 rotates out of view sometime next week.

there’s still a 40 percent chance of another intense X-flare that could hurl intense storms our way. And we’re probably going to be hearing a lot about space weather in coming months. This current solar cycle bringing increased activity won’t peak until mid-2013.
oh yes this is for Lamebeaver...No mention of the end of the world


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Definately no "End of World" scenario in my beliefs. Several years of severe hardships, calamities, etc, then another 1000 years of Milennial Reign, Age of Aquarius, whatever you want to call it. My job is to help my children make it possible for my grandkids to survive the bad times. If now is the time, I wish to be prepared. If now isn't the time, they have the resources for a helluva party when I die.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t :tinysmile_twink_t2: