Hi: ----->"Carmencax" our newest member lists POCCNR as his location. Poccnr is a Russian Television Channel. You might want to do your own checking on this one. I could be wrong of course but how many "Poccnr" written in Russian might there be?
Hi Jason. Stopping by to say hello and to wish you and your family a HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Thanks for this site and for the opportunity to babble about camping and stuff.
Hello Jason. Just stopping by to say thank you for this site. I can appreciate that it can be labour intensive on occasion. Happy Easter to you and the family.
I noted your comments in the thread and some of the circumstances you are facing of recent date. Sounds a bit tough, rough and frustrating, to say the least. You also mentioned church. For what benefit it might be, I'll think of you and your family in prayer at 7:26 AM every morning for the next little while. Brother Mark, O.S.A. Diocese of Huron
Thank you for the Christmoose card. Sla'inte maith,h-ule latha, na chi 'snach fhaic! Gun cuireadh do chupa tharris le slainte agus sonas. Ah-uile la' sona dhuibn 's gun la' idir dona dhuib. Nollaig Chndheil agus Bliadhna mhath u'r
Hi Jason. Just got the package you sent me. What a nice Christmas gift. I can always use a few new tee shirts and the knife is great I'm sure I will get much use from it. Hope you can free up some time to take the family camping. I know how tough it can be working more than one job but it does make you cherish the time you spent with your family, when you can. Here is wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years. Sincerely, Hikenhunter.
On the sites main page where all the articles are, how can I post a comment? I tried to do it and I was being sent to another login page that won't accept my password. I did manage to make a comment a while back on another article, but it was partially posted on my facebook page(confused!). Are we able to view other peoplews comments? Also who writes these articles and can people submit an article for posting?
Hey Jason got your package in the mail Thanks for all the goodys. You have done a graet job with the site and hope it keeps growing I have enjoyed it greatly.
Hi Jason, I was wondering if we could start an area for helpful internet links? IndianaHiker recommended one called Do Something Learn Something Share Something that hooked me up with people in my area with similar interests. There are so many gearheads on this site that it would be fun to have a spot to go to just to click on their recommended new products. Perhaps we could add it to each of the existing groups/interests ie camping, backpacking, boating etc?
Hi Jason, You are doing a great job with this site. Thank you for all of the hard work. I'd like to get a large t-shirt please and will gladly pay for postage!
Thanks, Judy Ann
Hey, Jason,
This is my first time on this site. Looks like it will be lots of fun. i was a volunteer with the Boy Scouts for 27 years - thought they would NEVER let me retire! Still love camping, hiking, biking.
Where can we get those decals (#25)?
Jason I was trying to visit, Teaching Children Firearm safety, and It prompted that I didn't have the clearance to enter the link.... How do I get clearance? I thought I had top secret clearance, but I thought wrong!