Overnighter on the A.T.


Well-Known Member
South Eastern, Pennsylvania
Took my grandson and my 4 legged pal Copper on an overnighter this past Sunday up on the AT. We did a 5 mile stretch to a little spot named Schuberts Gap. Foilage is a little late in changing color this year but we managed to catch the fall color change at the right time. Temps were a little warm for this time of the year, but not so bad that we were working up any heavy sweating. Twisted my ankle on the way in. At the gap Copper got to swim in his favorite swimming hole. After eating supper and cleaning up we gathered enough wood for a small campfire then sat around just chatting about "this" and "that." Darn kid looks at me at one point and says "Pop, thanks for bringing me, I really like doing stuff like this with you." And that's when,once again, I'm reminded just how important these moments are. I hobbled back out on Monday, every step was a chore. My ankle hurt so bad that I called off work Tuesday and went to the Dr. He sent me for X-Rays but it turns out It was just a bad strain and I went to work today. Still ,twisted ankle and all, I'm so glad we could do this overnighter and I hope there will be many more to come.:tinysmile_grin_t:


Minden, NV
You are giving your grandson an important gift. But be careful out there. A sprained ankle can be a real nuisance on a backpacking trip. I was hiking in the Mt Zierkel Wilderness Area in Colorado once with a close friend. He sprained an ankle and we had no choice but to camp on the spot and wait for it to heal for a couple of days. We wrapped it, built him a crutch and distributed the stuff in his pack between the 3 of us that were still healthy. It took a day and a half to get him out.


Well-Known Member
South Eastern, Pennsylvania
You are giving your grandson an important gift. But be careful out there. A sprained ankle can be a real nuisance on a backpacking trip. I was hiking in the Mt Zierkel Wilderness Area in Colorado once with a close friend. He sprained an ankle and we had no choice but to camp on the spot and wait for it to heal for a couple of days. We wrapped it, built him a crutch and distributed the stuff in his pack between the 3 of us that were still healthy. It took a day and a half to get him out.
Thank you for your concern. Rest assured Safety is alway a priority, especially when any of my grandchildren are with me.


New Member
Good luck with that ankle and thanks for that story. The best times and memories of my childhood are all about being out fishing, hunting, camping, or hiking with my dad and brother. I'm always glad to hear it when someone is passing it on to the next generation.