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  1. B


    Thanks Bradsalex. I never planned how much I will drink when during a hike or trekking. I would just do it instinctively, I drink when I feel thirsty. The last time I and some friends did trekking, we consume at least four liters a day.
  2. B

    Learn to Paddle

    I think paddling is simple and easy to do. I often go rafting and normally the raft guide will teach you some types of paddling and when to use them.
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    Amazing pictures when hiking?

    I always bring a camera with me when go hiking. There are plenty of beautiful objects and great moments to take in the nature. The best part is that with so many beautiful objects to take, you don't need to be a good photographer to get a great picture.
  4. B

    Do you always wear them?

    No, it's not OK. You should never be on the river without the life vest, though you are paddling in calm water. On the river, you will never know what will happen next.
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    Do you worry about your environment?

    Once I did trekking with some friends. We brought plastic bags as we intended to collect trash along the trails. Each of us ended up gathering two big bags of trash left by other trekkers, mostly plastic drinking water bottles. You are right, Bradsalex, some people are just lazy.
  6. B

    How dangerous is it?

    "The Dangerous Book for Boys" by Conn and Hal Iggulden won various awards including the Book of the Year award at the 2007 Galaxy British Book Awards. It is a guide book for boys, covering various topics including outdoor activities. Have you read it? How "dangerous" is it for boys?
  7. B

    If You Had The Opportunity...?

    Can I bring my laptop and get internet connection there? :D If so, I would love to do it. It reminds me of Tom Hanks in Cast Away. I think it's cool to make your own fire using the ancient tool.
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    Fishing Alone or With Friends

    I don't mind to go fishing in a group, but I enjoy fishing alone more, especially in a fly fishing trip. Though, sometimes I need someone to applaud me when I get a good catch. :D
  9. B

    Holla :)

    Don't worry, I leave my boomerang at home. :) I am new and no weapon here. I like hike and fishing, and often combine both activities in a vacation trip. Glad to find this forum.