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  1. S

    Whistling for the wind

    I grew up in the city but once in a while my grandparents would request a visit so my folks would bring all of us to their farm. There is a stream winding through that farm and fishing was a past time. Once in a while my grandpa would "whistle for the wind." Why would he do so? Will that be...
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    Exotic Food

    Gator as in ALLIgator? Yikes! You go out and hunt it? Boar too? How dangerous! Oh wait... I see that you are in Florida... yeah...lotsa gators there alright. LOL
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    Exotic Food

    I am your quintessential tell-me-what-that-is-before-I-eat-it girl. Wild turkeys are exotic-enough for me hahaha. What about you guys? What wild/exotic animal have you had the pleasure of tasting?
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    Survival Whistle

    We always carry one whenever we go out. One for me, one for my hubby. Even if it is just to go outside and walk the dog.... we never know when you might find yourself in a situation that you will need the whistle.
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    Insect Repellents

    So you go to the woods and enjoy the camping experience ---but what about the bugs? Will ordinary insect repellents be enough to not make the bugs want to bite? Which one is the best brand?
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    So you think you can dance season 7

    Have you been watching the season 7 of So You Think You Can Dance? There is a guy there that I have been voting for. His name is Alex Wong. Just watch this video so you will know why I want him to win! YouTube - So You Think You Can Dance - Season 7 - Top 9 - Alex Wong + Twitch
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    Happy 4th

    Happy 4th of July to one and all! This, for me, is one of the best holidays that we have so cheers to all of you!
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    Most books put to film normally cannot hold water against the original work. The 1st and 2nd films of the series were a dismal failure and so I was not planning to watch the third. My sister though has seen the movie and read the book and she says that this film installment is really good so...
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    Sounds like a real nasty thing to be exposed to! What a bummer it would be to campers if they would have to deal with these critters. I am glad to learn about this. My hubby is a nature enthusiast. I am not.... but I am willing to learn.
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    Cook-outs for the 4th?

    Hey hey hey! Come on over! We're having shrimp and fish on the barbie. I know -- not exactly 4th of July barbie fare but we gotta watch what we are eating.