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  1. F

    One thing

    I always think I'm bringing enough socks, but I never do. Even when I bring extra, I wish I had brought more. (I really, really, really hate having cold or wet feet.) Chad - your idea of having everything prepacked is awesome. Mind if we all steal it?
  2. F

    Camping with Eggs

    Whenever I need to bring eggs on a camping trip, I always crack them at home and bring them in a thermos. No need to worry about broken shells or making a mess.
  3. F

    Bass Pro

    I have been to several around the country, including the one in Springfield, MO. It is by far the largest of any I've seen. It's awesome. There's a waterfall, a McDonalds, taxidermy animals everywhere, places to try out golf clubs and basketballs - We spent a couple of hours there and the...
  4. F

    Polly Wolly Doodle

    There's always the "99 bottles of beer on the wall", except you change it to go with whatever you did that day: "99 piles of rocks left to climb", or "99 kettles of fish in the pond", or even "99 puddles of rain in my tent" on a particularly rainy evening.
  5. F


    I still have my old mess kit (plate, bowl, frypan) and chow kit (knife, fork, spoon) from scouts. I take it for kicks, too, but the rest of the family just uses their regular shatterproof dishes.
  6. F

    Rent or buy?

    My kids wear the same Under Armor that they wear for their sports teams. They layer that with flannel-lined jeans and snow pants and they are good-to-go. Unless you're saying that you don't own cold weather gear at all - snow pants, snow jacket, etc...
  7. F

    ATVs in the neighborhood

    Sounds like these kids are just looking for some attention. Most ATVs are not street legal, are they? Mine specifically say not to ride on paved surfaces.
  8. F

    Birds in Winter

    It is amazing how nature takes care of its own. Sort of like when a rotten branch falls, and the downed branch becomes home to all manner of ground-dwelling creatures, from salamanders and ants to squirrels and rabbits. Eventually the branch becomes mulch and feeds new trees which house birds...
  9. F

    Cleaning up messes

    Great story, Fridge! That reminds me of the way my mom used to be with us at the park. Everyone else would just come and play. We had to be the lamest family in the world, because when we got to the park we had to pick up at least as much trash as we were old. (When I was 10 I had to pick up...
  10. F

    Deer sled for an ATV

    We use our garden trailer behind the ATV. Just heft the deer up into there and drive him out of the woods. We'll sometimes put a tarp in the bottom of the trailer, but most often just load him in.
  11. F


    I was a scout myself, and was really looking forward to the point where my kids could join. Once they did, we were all terribly disappointed in what scouting had to offer in our area. The girl scouts won't call us back to say when and where meetings are. The boy scout leaders are local...
  12. F

    Tomahawk - Forgotten Tool?

    Call me ignorant, but what's the difference between a tomahawk and a hatchet? I've used the same hatchet since college and it has yet to let me down.
  13. F

    Always check the water.

    You'd have to be pretty drunk to not realize that there is any water in the pool. I always picture "checking the water" to mean wading through a pond or lake to make sure of the depth, and to find rocks or other hazards. Not to check to see whether the water is there!
  14. F

    Warm Socks

    For hiking and other outdoor activities in cold weather, do you like the real wool socks, the thick thermal socks, or multiple layers of cotton socks?
  15. F

    Why go Ice Fishing?

    Is ice fishing actually fun? I have never tried it, but it does not look like something I would enjoy. I can't honestly see the joy in sitting on a (hopefully) frozen lake with my fishing line down in a hole beneath the ice where I can't even see it. I would love to hear from someone who...
  16. F

    What gets your goat??

    I agree with Yogi. I go camping to get away from it all. I don't really want to spend the time listening to my neighbors. It also irritates me when their pets (or kids) wander over into my campsite. I am not a social person, and do not really want to get to know the people next to me.
  17. F

    One Big Family Tent, or Multiples?

    We have a kid tent and an adult tent. Often at least one kid will slip over into the adult tent. If there are awesome night sounds we sometimes end up with everyone in the adult tent.
  18. F

    How Do You Cook When Camping?

    We always use a fire. Sometimes it's an open fire with hot dogs on sticks, other times we cook in the coals. If we have time we'll roast with a pit fire. But always, always a real fire.
  19. F

    First time you held a paddle in your hand?

    I remember paddling with my dad when I was a kid. It took me a long time to figure out why we always started by going upstream first. Finally he said, we can start downstream if you want, but then you are paddling back by yourself. Lesson learned!
  20. F

    What would you eat?

    If you were lost in the wilderness, would you eat bugs? Snakes? Tree bark? On those survival shows those dudes eat some nasty looking things. I'm wondering, if I were hungry enough, would I eat them?