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  1. H

    Fabulous day out on the lake

    So glad I didn't waste this holiday working on my honeydo list. Instead my wife and I spent the day on the lake with our Brittany Spaniel. It was slightly overcast, the lake was like a mirror and it was 78 degrees. The highlight of the day came when we saw a reflection of a bird in the lake and...
  2. H

    first time colder weather camping

    Since you have the luxury of not having to worry about weight, you can just bring some extra sleeping bags or comforters. The most important thing is to start off warm. If you put a cold body into a cold bag you'll never warm up. So start off nice and toasty warm and start off with your beds...
  3. H

    Solar purifying water bottles

    Thanks for the reference Michael. I looked up and it appears that if done properly that leaving bottles in the sun can be as effective as other methods. I think it's still smart to have purification tabs but it's good to know that this method works.
  4. H

    Best Field Guide for foraging?

    Old Sarge, I flipped through it at the library and then checked for it online. I think it's out of print but there are a lot of copies available for around $10. has a lot.
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    What's the appeal?

    I've never gotten into climbing but it does not really seem so dangerous as long as proper precautions are followed. I just never did it because It just seems to danged strenuous. I'd rather just hike up the other side in order to see a view.
  6. H

    Favorite stores for Gear?

    I guess I'm not too original because I really like REI for a brick and mortar store and for online I like Campmor or REI. Are there any up and coming stores that you guys have been checking out? Sometimes I just like to go and checkout what is available even if I don't need to buy anything.
  7. H

    Outdoor TV?

    Can someone explain to me exactly what this is? Is it a phone app that streams shows to a special TV? I guess I don't get it. I suppose it would be nice if you were spending a month somewhere but when I'm gone for a week I want to be GONE. No phone, no laptop and no TV.
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    Best Field Guide for foraging?

    I'm going to pick up a field guide and the best one I've found so far is the Field Guide To North American Edible Wild Plants by Elias and Dykeman. Does anyone have a better guide to recommend?
  9. H

    Camping At Wal*Mart

    I've stopped overnight in Walmart before when I've been traveling in my van. I alerted the manager and she said it was no problem for one night. Saved me money on a hotel and Walmart got my business since I bought some food there. It was much quieter than trying to stay at the Flying J!
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    Appalachian Trail

    Fox and hounds, Where have you gone on the AT? I've only done the part that runs through Shenandoah National Park. I'd like to do more but who has the time?
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    No food list

    I can't do tripe. When traveling abroad I was invited as a guest to dinner and they had goat stomachs that they had filled with rice and then sewed back up and boiled. The smell was enough to knock you over. I smiled politely and took a bite and fortunately we were eating outside because I...
  12. H

    Solar purifying water bottles

    What's the deal with using the power of the sun to purify drinking water? I imagine they work against bacteria, but do they kill brain eating amoebas? Can you lash a bottle to the top of your pack and purify on the go or does the bottle need to be kept still?
  13. H


    I don't feel any less alert when on an ATV than I do when on a Motorcycle. The prospect of having a date with the wire brush is enough to keep me alert and focused on both!