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  1. J

    Any Confrontations with Predators?

    Me and my best friend were out exploring when he asked if I wanted to stop and check out this cave he heard about. I love caves so I wanted to go. We were exploring these little cave openings when we found one that went deep into the main cave system. It was almost big enough to stand up in and...
  2. J

    Camping/ Water

    Me and some friends are planing on going on a "survival" trip, if you would call it that. We are wanting to canoe across the lake and camp on a little island. Live off the land and the like. However I got to thinking, do we have to have permission or a permit or something to camp there on the...
  3. J

    Reindeer moss

    Thank you for taking the time to share this with me, It was very helpful
  4. J

    Reindeer moss

    I have heard that you can eat reindeer moss. I live in Missouri, and I am pretty sure I found some. My question is... Is there anything that looks like reindeer moss that would be bad for me to eat? Also any tips for eating it?