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    wow! Sounds like quite an adventure. Dress warm in lots of layers and take pictures. Most of all have a wonderful time.
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    Kids camping out in backyard

    A great way to get the feel of the whole camping experience for your kids as well as their friends. Also a good learning experience so you can go over the things they would be taking on a camping trip into a real wilderness area, how much you have to plan to take, how you would carry it, how to...
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    Joke Thread

    Whatever we call the thread, we still all need a laugh occasionally so I am adding one too Read your shampoo. I don't know why I didn't figure this out sooner. It's the shampoo I use in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and (Duh!) printed very clearly on the...
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    How long to set up

    Practice setting up at home in the yard before you try it when you are out at your camping site. Then you will have had a chance to problem solve if anything does not go as planned. Every tent has it's own special quirks so you can learn how to get around them especially speeding up the set up
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    Camping with a quad

    I'd check in advance to see if the places you want to go allow for them and what the requirements are. Then you know you will be able to go and have fun. happy trails.
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    What are you packing?

    I always make sure I have packed my lighting in several choices so I'm prepared. I have gas as well as battery and have found it a good thing to keep the variety on hand.