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  1. S

    Crazy Rides

    I can just picture it now. People riding goats around trying to tame them, won't ever happen. I can't stand goats. They really do eat most things that they shouldn't.
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    Quality Air Mattresses

    I bet we have the same one. Mine is a Coleman queen size pillow top. I just bought the rechargeable pump separately. It is a really nice mattress.
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    Do you take kids in deep?

    I don't think it is a good idea for someone to take kids hiking or camping with no other adult. Too many things can go wrong in a split second.
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    car camping

    Funny, I can see why hillbillymama would believe it is car camping as in sleeping in your car because in Oklahoma as well as Arkansas that is exactly what car camping is. Most people call this city slicker camping because only people from the city will not leave their conveniences behind. (no...
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    Dogs are naturally good hunters obviously but in some areas it is illegal to use them for hunting because of the way some hunters use them.
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    Paddle with your feet

    Paddle boats are a good way to exercise and do something you like at the same time. I don't like to exercise so I do like paddle boats every now and then. ;)
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    I was warm

    Aren't they great? I'm not usually one to buy gadgets or whatever but I hate being cold so I bought one last year from SportsmansGuide catalog and I still use it.
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    2in1 Guns

    Do they handle as well as a standard gun? I mean are they are durable? I haven't ever had one that you could swap the barrels on and thought they might be less durable.
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    2in1 Guns

    Does anyone own a gun like that yet? It just has a barrel that you swap out and you are ready to hunt again. I'd like to have one of those little .22/.410 combos!
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    How many types of game do you hunt?

    I enjoy hunting all year round except when it is very cold weather. It makes it hard to aim if you are shivering too much so I basically hunt whatever is in season but I prefer deer.
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    Muddy trucks

    I don't have a monster truck or anything like that but I do have a nice half ton Dodge that I've put mudders on and a nice lift. Getting a truck all muddy is totally a blast.
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    HomeMade Snow Shoes

    Do any of you guys live around a lot of snow? I overheard some people talking about making homemade snow shoes for hiking and I want to try it out.
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    Power Hikes?

    I haven't joined any clubs or anything like that but I like to go climb this rough terrain hill we have as a sort of power boost. It feels great.
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    Ready to go

    How big of a tent did you get? You could get brave and just get a little portable propane heater if you really want to go. Congrats on the goodies!
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    Have you ever gotten in trouble?

    That is one of the enjoyments of camping too close to the roads. You got to find a nice dirt road that goes into the middle of no place accessible to most people.
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    Do you fish in the winter?

    Winter doesn't get bad enough where I live to make you not want to fish year around. There are days you won't go but others mid-winter are just perfect fishing days.
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    Snake Meat?

    If you like fried chicken then I would bet anything that you like fried rattlesnake. It is just really crispy but takes a lot of snake to serve anyone.
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    Weirdest Catch

    I've caught all kinds of crazy things in the lake. One time I was fishing on the bank and there were some people in a boat just a short ways out. We caught each other and were really fighting thinking we had a monster fish. I ended up with his rod! When we realized what we done we laughed at...
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    Do you do overnight rides with your horse?

    Yes I do. I go on an annual trail ride every year in addition to my regular rides that I take on my own or with a few buddies that like to ride too.
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    Hi everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself. My buddies call me Sniper and I'm an avid hunter. I especially enjoy hunting deer during black powder season.