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  1. L

    Motorbike as primary transport?

    Nope, I don't even own a motorbike. Is this a motorcycle? I live where we get a lot of snow in the winter. I can't imagine only having a bike as transportation. It would not work well.
  2. L


    I have not but I am with you! I want to try it. I think it would be so cool to jump out of a plane, of course with a parachute on. I was thinking about taking lessons.
  3. L

    Why do people do this?

    I don't know why they do! It irritates me to no end. The last one I looked at they had ripped out the bunk bed area and put in a full size bed. Hello?? Where are others going to sleep?
  4. L

    No plans for a while

    I plan our camping trips early and then we go. I'm not going to sit home and clean when I can be camping or doing something with my kids. I can clean at night to catch up.
  5. L

    Bug bites and toothpaste

    I'm not sure about any other kinds of bites. I had mosquito bites. I mean not a gel toothpaste or a colored one. Just the plain white toothpaste. It's cheap and works well.
  6. L

    Do you take the kids or go solo?

    Both! My kids love to hike too but they don't always want to go when I'm going, or they are busy. I love having them with me, it gives us all exercise that we need.
  7. L

    Bug bites and toothpaste

    I would consider this wilderness survival! Who likes to get bitten by mosquitoes? Not me. I learned a great trick. Rub white toothpaste on a bug bite and it will stop the itch. I was bit so many times last weekend. I went to work on Monday with dried on toothpaste on my ankles and I never...
  8. L

    fishing partners

    I love to fish too, I'm in the states. I take my family with me. I started them young just for that reason - so they would like to fish! I also go with buddies.
  9. L

    How to quiet a new hiker

    I love it too - a ninja! I cannot think of anything better than that to add. It's hard to make someone quieter. I know I'm not the quietest either when I'm walking in the woods.
  10. L


    Nothing wrong with that. Our kids love to eat cookies around the campfire too. It's just something they enjoy. I think it reminds them of home. We usually always take a pan of brownies too.
  11. L

    Why do people do this?

    Grrr... I've been looking for a camper (used one) and every one that I have went to look at has had something done to it. The people think ripping out beds will make the camper sell?
  12. L

    Parents of teen who died on hike sue Boy Scouts

    I feel terrible for the parents too. I don't think it was their job to check the weather forecast. Usually boys are at these camps for a week at a time. They aren't sure what is going on throughout the whole week. I say shame on the counselors for not seeing this boy needed help.
  13. L

    My daughter wants to learn to ride dirt bikes

    Thanks for the great tips. I will look this summer to see what I can find. Of course after the beauty pageant she is in! lol.... That is in July and knowing her luck she would break her leg before it on a dirt bike!
  14. L

    Arkansas Flood Hits Popular Campground

    How scary is that! I have never been to Arkansas before. I can't imagine being camping and then being flooded. I bet the families are super scared! How tragic it is!
  15. L

    Fishing on Private Ponds

    I don't think you need any license for fishing on someone's private pond. I would not think so anyway. I would still get my license though if you are planning on fishing anywhere else.
  16. L

    For exercise?

    We don't hike everyday but I try to walk everyday. Sometimes there are too many things going on and I can't hit the hills. I walk in town when my kids are at ball practice, other days we all walk in the hills by our house.
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    So we went to camp last night at a friend's camp and the kids wanted to rough it. They were going to sleep out under the stars instead of in the campers. I had to laugh when they asked for tarps. I was like why? They took several tarps at put some underneath them and then 2 over top of them...
  18. L

    Favorite thing about hunting

    I love all 3! I love being outdoors and it's a great way to save money on meat too. A lot of times I just go out and look around, I don't even shoot at anything. I think there is also a lot of fond memories of hunting with my dad.
  19. L

    How To Talk Husband Into Going

    Oh my... I love the answer beer and nookie. I'm not sure it will work though. Just tell him that you do things you don't want to do too and he should go. Or do something that he likes and then have him go camping too.
  20. L

    My daughter wants to learn to ride dirt bikes

    I don't want her to. I don't want to buy a dirt bike. We have 4-wheelers already. She is also in dance and plays a lot of sports. I told her I wasn't buying a dirt bike. What do you think? Are there places that have them that you can rent and get lessons?