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  1. S

    Knife Throwing?

    I agree that keeping your knife in your hand is a much better option if you are talking about defending yourself. I also think it would be pretty cool to know how to throw knives accurately about party games! ;)
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    Awesome Pre-Christmas gift

    That is an awesome gift! I love those things and we tend to wear ours out pretty often as well. I know we use ours at least 3 or 4 times a week!
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    Tree stand or blind

    Tree stands would certainly make it easier to see your prey if you are hunting for deer, but I share your fear of heights. I am going to try it this year though...harnessed in *extra* safely of course.
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    Exotic Animals Loose In Ohio

    I understand that it was their duty to protect the public and all I just think it was sad, and such a waste. You wouldn't think we would have to have laws to tell people not to keep wild animals has pets, but obviously there are plenty of total morons out there who need to be told.
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    Exotic Animals Loose In Ohio

    I think it was sad that they just killed these animals...there was NO alternative so they shot 20 rare and endangered tigers? If they had just captured them I am sure a zoo or conservation program would have been happy to have them.
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    Camping with electronics

    Other than a camera and flashlights we don't really take anything that needs batteries. I do have a solar charger, but we keep it at home. My husband and I usually both carry an extra set or two of batteries in our backpacks just in case.
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    Deer sausage

    Hubby bagged a deer this morning and I would like to turn some of the meat into venison sausage. I am pretty sure you have to add another kind of ground meat with it for fat right? Would pork sausage work okay?
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    Don't forget a whistle

    Excellent point Blueskyy! I have always thought our outdoor gear was pretty well prepared, but this is omething we have overlooked as well. Definitely adding one to my shopping list! :)
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    My daughter isn't in school yet, but I am planning to take her on a nature hike this week and we are going to look for leaves and pinecones and stuff.
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    Favorite big game to hunt

    What is your favorite big game to hunt? This year will be my first time ever in the woods (to hunt anyway)and I am hoping to at least get a deer. My husband says we might try for a wild boar too!
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    Most interesting way to start a fire

    The corn chip trick by Les Stroud has always been one of my favorites, but I have never tried it out. I assume it would work with any kind of chip.
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    Campfire conversation

    Politics is usually something I try to avoid, but just about everything else is pretty much fair game. We have a few friends that are a bit more conservative than we are.
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    Cooler corn

    We've got a bunch of people coming over for a fish fry this weekend and I am going to give this a shot. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
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    Venison Kefta Kebabs

    This sounds good, but I have never had lamb before. I have never even seen it in the grocery to to buy before. What does lamb taste like?
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    Got a whole gang of turkeys

    I know where some are. There is a little strip of woods on the way to my parents house and about ten of them hang out there. Right next to a sign that says NO HUNTING. I had no idea that turkeys could read! ;)
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    Interesting show.

    I love the Survival shows and yes, there is a camera crew and probably a safety crew or something on standby, but it's still cool to watch and I have learned something from most of them. I know on the Man/Woman one they do have a camera crew, but they did everything on their own until the wife...
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    Camping At Wal*Mart

    I have certainly seen plenty of RV's in the Walmart parking lot, but I never even considered that they are spending the night. The Walmart's around here are all 24 hours so I doubt anyone would even notice.
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    Weird Sightings while Camping

    I have not seen anything as strange as Newanderthal and WildRose thankfully! I did see a fox sitting on top of a trash can eating out of the trash, but at a campsite that's probably not really that strange.