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  1. tylert27

    How big is your tent?

    I'm single and don't have any kids so when I go camping I always try to camp light. Generally I bring a tent that holds only 2-4 people, depending on who I bring with me.
  2. tylert27

    Cram It or Roll It

    I always try to roll my tents and my sleeping bags. I think they last longer if you roll them up because it is less strenuous on the product. I also think that rolling the bag makes it consistently easier to put away than just stuffing the back in, forcing it to fit.
  3. tylert27

    My mom is disabled and wants to go camping, any adivce?

    Are you planning on sleeping in a tent, camper, or cabin? If you are sleeping in a tent or cabin, there might be mattresses that will work for her back. If you are planning on sleeping in a tent, then there are a lot of air mattresses that you can bring. You just want to make sure that the tent...
  4. tylert27

    Food - THat you would Have Never Eaten!!!

    Yeah, I ate some mushroom stroganoff. I absolutely hate mushrooms but I was so hungry that I ate the stroganoff anyways. It actually wasn't that bad, its surprising what hunger can do. I also have eaten a lot of trout which I'm not horribly fond of either.
  5. tylert27

    Spring break

    My family always tries to go to Island Park, located in Wyoming. We always rent out one of the many cabins at Island Park Lake and then go boating and jet skiing. We also usually have some cousins come along and we go ride motorcycles and four-wheelers along some of the many trails that spread...
  6. tylert27

    Camping With Family..!!

    Definitely a great activity to do as a family! Some of my fondest memories as a child was going camping with my family and fishing with my dad up in the Uinta Mountains. I think mountains help kids forget about all the technologies that are so distracting in everyday life and help them focus on...