Bear Grylls Survival Kit


Going to have to check into the knife especially for that price! What channel does Dual Survival come on? Sounds like something we would watch, but I haven't heard of it until now.


New Member
Out of the "survival" shows that are on, I must say that I think Dual survival is my favorite, at least in the reality of survival. I think it is dangerous to teach people half of what is real mixed with stunts that are not recommended and in some cases, downright stupid. I've been in quite a few survival situations over the years and navigated in some very rough terrain. Many of the paths I see taken in a "survival" situation on these shows are not what I would ever recommend as being the best path to take, that is for sure. In regards to gear, take what works for you. If a knife or saw floats your boat, go for it. Everyone deals with the environment using the skills they know best (which is part of what I like about Dual Survival). Dual Survival shows several ways to deal with each situation and two people coming together to a consensus instead of trying the most extreme method to get out. Common sense should also be part of your gear which I think some of the "survivalists" sometimes forget.


I haven't heard of dual survival either before now but I will definitely check it out. We don't have tv anymore, but maybe they have some streaming episodes.


My cousin just bought one of those Bear Grylls fixed-blade knives with the fire steel and survival booklet. The knife is sharp and very tough (he's hard on his gear). He even tested the fire steel and started a fire in his back yard with it (then cooked a chicken on it). He pried apart an old pallet and even hammered some tent stakes into the ground. It's holding up very nicely, especially for something he picked up from Walmart. Gerber had been going downhill over the past 5-10 years, using cheaper steel in their blades, but this seems to be a step in the right direction for them.

My only issue with knives of this sort is this: DO NOT KEEP YOUR SURVIVAL GEAR TOGETHER. It's convenient when packing, but if you drop that knife while crossing a stream, there goes your booklet and your fire making tool. Pack those things separately so that if you lose one, you only lose one. (this is the same issue I had with those Rambo knives back in the 80's)


Well-Known Member
Man Vs Wild was actually portrayed as an instructional survival show when it first came on. It was put right up against Survivorman in terms of purpose and content. That is why people still think of it that way - because Discover told us that's what the show is.

oldsarge, I ordered one of these last week and can't wait to get my hands on it. If you are interested I can let you know my thoughts once I have.

A buddy of mine had one of these. For the money it was a great buy and often thought of getting one myself. I like them. Cold Steel has some really great products.


New Member
Southwest KY
My ex wife used to be married to a SAS sniper that was best mates with Bear. She freaked out when she saw the show here. First thing she says is that he really does eat anything. Easy to fix dinner for. She also confirmed that he does stay in nice hotels when he's supposed to be out in the bush. I guess her husband & Bear took off across some desert in a micro bus and no provisions just to see if they could make it. Unfortunately because of abuse she suffered at the hands of her 1st hubby she couldn't handle being married to another ex-military guy and took off for home leaving me alone. Damn shame. I hate being alone.