Cooking Veggie Burgers?


New Member
I'm bringing a friend who doesn't camp often camping with me, and she has said that she will bring veggie burgers along since she is a vegetarian. I've never cooked veggie burgers over an open fire before, though I've done real burgers before. Do they require more/less time or any different preparation for open-fire cooking? Thanks ahead of time for the help!


New Member
I have been learning all about vegetarian food and camping every since my daughter became a vegetarian. I am trying to be supportive of it, and also learn how to keep her fed in a healthy way.


New Member
I'm a veggie, bordering on vegan. Its really is a healthy lifestyle and there are a lot of benefits. There are some borderline health concerns for teenagers though that you should learn about. Try googling "teen vegetarian risks" or something like that. I think it has something to do with development & hormones. I became veggie @ 18 and its been good for me. You have to make sure to get as much varied protein as one can as a veggie. Be sure to add nuts to your ( her) diet. Some teen veggies tend to eat stuff that doesn't have meat but doesn't have any protein. When you switch to a veggie diet your appetite and taste changes so you start to really like stuff like salads and stir fry's . . . but make sure you daughter isn't just surviving on grilled cheeze sandwiches. Part of the point is to be healthy, and if you acquire the taste of veggie eating, its not that hard. Over a lifetime its really good to eat less calories and keep a healthy weight. Eating vegetarian is healthier for adults that a meat a based diet . . . no question. You do have to get the right vitamins too though. They have multivitamins for veggies and you should look to get lots of iron and B vitamins, especially B12. Tempe is a soy product that has lots of B12, but do both food and pills.
As for veggie burgers and camping, I've actually never tried . . .
but I have noticed some veggie burgers stick together a lot better than others . . . they are made very differently.
I'd try Boca veggie burgers, they will not fall apart.
They may burn more easily than meat when you flame broil them . . .
try an experiment and bring an extra hummus sandwich in case disaster strikes.
Another thing that's good for lunch while hiking or camping is a peanut butter and raison sandwich. The peanut ( or chachew or almond) butter gives you high protein and energy and there's no jelly to make a mess of your pack.
Check out the stuff about teenage vegetarians, but if or when that's no longer an issue,
its definitely a positive lifestyle choice ;)


New Member
Making a veggie burger is even more of an adventure than cooking one,
but coming from a vegetarian, veggie burgers are pretty hard to make yourself.
When they were new back in the 1990's they always fell apart as you ate them.
Companies have improved on the process over the last 20 years . . .
I don't usually say this, but its better to buy them in the store.


New Member
You should't have a problem cooking the burgers on the grill but they may need to be put on the outer edges of the grill depending on the fires heat, just watch it as it doesn't have the fat and there's not a bacterial concern while cooking so it may not take long.


New Member
I've eaten them at home before but I've never thought of cooking them over a grill or a fire. I do like them as well as turkey burgers but GentleWolf is correct in saying that you are better buying them than making them.


New Member
Thank you all for the help, especially Grey Wolf with all of that information! I will make sure to keep them on the edges to avoid burning; I'm not sure exactly "which" kind she is bringing - hopefully they aren't the type to fall apart!


Active Member
Salem Indiana
I am also a vegetarian and have grilled them as well. They will take less time as you are not really cooking them as much as heating them. When grilling them at home like to but olive oil on them then place on grill. Even better then the veggie burgers though are get some portobella mushrooms and put those on the grill. Good eating there.


New Member
Thanks, IndianaHiker! I feel like I'm going to be watching these things like a hawk while they're on the fire, lol. My friend isn't going to be any help because she's never cooked them over an open fire, either. Should be a fun experiment!