Greetings from the Hudson Valley (NY)!


New Member
I came across this group through facebook and decided to check it out. I work in healthcare and ultimately would like to be part of an international rescue team as a nurse. I love the outdoors but I haven't always enjoy it. For a couple of years now, I've been doing some camping, hiking and biking. I would love to try my hand on rockclimbing also. Would like to reach some level of mastery to keep me fit and challenged. So, I am looking forward in working with you guys and reading your advices!


New Member
Hi Folks,
I'm not from the Hudson valley, I'm from Eastern CT but I just discovered the valley and really love the countryside there. I'd love to hear about places people go. I've got some info I can share too . . . I'm just getting into GeoCaching so I can share some GPS data points and files you can open in Google Earth. I also do some nature photography and will post some nice places I've seen near the Hudson. I'll try to figure out how to post all this stuff on this site