Half Dome in Yosemite


New Member
Any fellow climbers to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite? If you haven't been there or climbed it, you pull yourself up a very steep ledge by ropes and small, wooden footrests. It's heinous but so worth the effort. Anyway, I heard they no longer allow this climb because someone recently fell to their death. I climbed it back in 1992.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
I have a somewhat controlled fear of heights. Somedays I'm fine, other days the vertigo sets in and I have to crawl back to where I feel safe. We came down from Tuolome meadows and I lost it about 50 feet from the top of clouds rest, had to practicaly crawl back down to where I could get back under control. The next day I went up half dome without even flinching, go figure. I even walked out on the outcrop to have my picture taken. ( I couldn't go right to the edge, had to stay in the middle though) What an awesome sight. I would climb it again in a heartbeat.
I thought they lost people there every summer. People would start walking over the hump until they reached a point where they couldn't get back. One of our group was there a couple years before when a guy went over, but he caught a crack and held on until they could rescue him. I was there in '07.
I would like to do that whole trek again. I still want another chance at clouds rest. silly me It seemed like such a cake walk at first.


New Member
Hey, you've been to Cloud's Rest? So have I! Amazing, isn't it? I also have a fear of heights so I don't know what compelled me to make those climbs. Young & dumb, I guess. I don't know if I'd do it today. I did go to the ledge of Half Dome and sit with my legs dangling over. I can't imagine what would have happened if a strong wind would have suddenly come up!

le Metis---I haven't been on that route on El Cap, I bet the view is awesome.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Yes Yosemite. We came down from Tuolumne Meadows and got caught in a heavy two day rain at Cathedral Lakes. (That was the year I singlehandedly brought an end to a drought in seven different states ha ha. Got drenched on every hike I went on.) We had some little kids (down to 4 yrs old) on that trek so after stopping at the Sunrise lakes, we decided to gain a day back by day hiking down to Cloud's rest and back. I think those extra miles played a big part in my fear that day. After half dome, we stayed in the campground in Little Y Valley. That was a great swimming hole back in there.
Just another wonderful trek that deserves a repeat but not enough days in the year to git r done.


New Member
Wow, Grandpa, did the 4 year olds hike right along with you? Because that's quite a trek, that would be quite an accomplishment for them!

We set up base camp at Tuolumne Meadows and stayed there for, I think about 4 weeks, before we moved. I loved that area, we had tons of deer and bears come into our camp every day. Kind of a surreal experience. Some very fond memories of that place and yes, I would love to go back but you're right...time just seems to slip by...


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Yes Yosemite. I was an add on, invited by a brother in law. I had never met these people before. The family with the little ones started with 3 big strapping teenage boys, then 3 younger kids about 8, 6, and 4. The two youngest carried only small backpacks with their emergency supplies. All the kids were well trained and worked together to spare mom "servant" duties. They took care of themselves and made sure she had her free time as well. I never heard one negative thing or saw one childish pout from them the entire week. Those boys were loaded pretty heavy covering for the younger kids, but seemed honored to do it. Awesome family.