Spider Bites


Rubbing stix together
USA :)
Is there any specific first aid required for basic spider bites? I know that poisonous spider bites need treatment right away, but do normal every day crawl-into-your-shoe-and-bite-your-toe spider bites need special care?
You should take care to clean your toe\foot that's been bitten, rubbing alcohol to sterilize the area to prevent infection. Personally I've been bitten by tons of spiders and never had a reaction, but I break out with poison ivy haha.... I carry an eppy pen with me just in case, Epinephrine is a strong chemical and can save your life if you are bitten by something downright deadly, it'll keep you ticking for a little while possibly enough to get you to safety and medical care.

The most serious bite I've ever gotten was from a boot I had outside of my tent -_-, needless to say I keep my boots IN the tent and check them before I place them on my body EVERYTIME now.
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