Spring Camping Report


Well-Known Member
East Tn
Last month my brother and I selected a time for a camping, and we just got back. Hers how it started.
IMG_20230328_155436756_HDR.jpg loaded up and ready to go.Screenshot_20230329-214202-576.jpg projected weather outlook. Picked up a little foodIMG_20230329_105005846_HDR.jpg and we hit the lake heading to our favorite islandIMG_20230329_115133421_HDR.jpg it was a beautiful day. Got camp setup by noon and my brother wanted to show off his Black Stone grillIMG_20230329_140418912_HDR.jpg That thing had a little weight to it, but he was determined to use it. Does great tooIMG_20230329_201436454_HDR.jpg yummy pancakes for lunch.IMG_20230329_143007_01.jpg He sure liked keeping it clean. The local inhabitants of the island kept a close eye on us the first dayIMG_20230329_173709455.jpg First catch after lunch, going to be a good fishing tripIMG_20230329_205403.jpg Brats for supper and a nice fire before turning in

It was a nice day.

The Great Outdoors



Well-Known Member
East Tn
Little cool that night, upper 30's, but we slept great. Morning IMG_20230330_072247341_HDR.jpg Bacon and eggs for breakfast, chased down with some perked coffee. We cleaned up dishes and hit the water. I was into the fishing zone that morning. He couldn't keep up because he didn't have my secret lure.IMG_20230331_090125281_HDR.jpg even the loon was impressed IMG_20230331_104712175.jpg it did get a little breezy that afternoon, but not the 10 to 15 mph winds they predicted IMG_20230331_080025877_HDR.jpgIMG_20230331_080044959_HDR.jpg We munched on mixed nuts, licorice candies and little Debbie cookies while we were fishing. The weather nice. It was a good day.

Wasn't as cold that night. Woke up to gay skies that morningIMG_20230331_195455281_HDR.jpg Boated a few fish, and had a nice day.IMG_20230331_191524760_HDR.jpg He was ashamed of his small fish and didn't want his picture taken with it.IMG_20230329_161009161_HDR.jpg SMOKING!

The Great Outdoors



Well-Known Member
East Tn
Last full day of camping and fishing. Woke up to a pretty morningIMG_20230401_074558626_HDR.jpgIMG_20230401_074624030.jpg little rain in the forecast, but nothing bad. They were predicting 15mph winds with gusts up to 25. Nice and calm this morning, so we had bacon, eggs, butter fried raisin cinnamon toast, and then got to fishing. By 1 pm the winds startedIMG_20230331_122251994_HDR.jpgIMG_20230331_122302136_HDR.jpg After lunch I hiked around a little peninsula to get a picture of the campIMG_20230331_122515867_HDR.jpg we were tucked away out of the wind in a quiet northern cove of the island. We knew the winds would be from the south when we setup camp.IMG_20230331_122500703_HDR.jpg.
Storms were coming for the night and the same 15mph winds. it was our last night, so we packed up what ever we didn't need so I would easier to bug out early in the morning. What little rain we had that afternoon noon, ended up leaking into his tent. Very disappointed when he found out it leaked. The spray can of water repellent that he sprayed on it, when we set it up days ago, didn't water proof it. Oh well luckily I had my hammock tarp that we could throw over it. It didn't completely cover the whole tent, but it was enough to stay dry.

Screenshot_20230401-030520-406.jpg the storm was on its way. The weather people like to scare a person, for some reason. It was warm and muggy till about 4am. I slept covered up with my old army issued wool blanket and was comfortable. It poured! Thunder, lightning and rain. Once the storm moved thru, the temperature dropped down to a comfortable 50 degrees and I climbed back into my sleeping bag. The end of the tent that my tarp didn't cover leakedIMG_20230401_040018375.jpg
I scooted my hammock toward my brother's side of the tent, and we slept great.

The Great Outdoors



Well-Known Member
East Tn
That morning it was gorgeous out. Clear blue skies with not a cloud. We packed everything up and headed out. Guess what wouldn't start? Yep the boat motor did not start. Not enough battery power. His jumper box didn't have enough umph to help. Well, we had about 3.5 miles to get back to the vehicle. So we dropped the trolling motor in and started on our way, slowly. There was only a slight breeze, so I was hopeful. We've been running on those batteries for the past couple of days, so I was skeptical, but hopeful, if they last. They winds picked up an hour later, the batteries were going down quickly. We found a quiet cove where there were house and made it in by paddle and slow trolling motor. My brother was heart broken. He called one of his sons and had them get a new battery, and deliver it to the street address near us. I had plenty of time to explore the shore line. I saw some drag marks down the bank. IMG_20230401_115617003_HDR.jpg IMG_20230401_115648361.jpg I followed them up the bank and found where a beaver removed a couple of saplings. IMG_20230401_113131821_HDR.jpg The wind kicking up the lake looked treacherous. We had a couple of miles into the wind to get back to the launch, no other options. His son showed up with a new battery about 2 hours later. The motor started like a champ and we were off. The trip in was rough, to say the least. We took a little water over the bow and lots of spray over the sides, but the boat was capable. Screenshot_20230401-163233-824.jpgScreenshot_20230401-091056-356.jpgMade to launch and we headed home.

It was great trip. Rough day getting back but no regrets for going.

The Great Outdoors


Minden, NV
Good to get out. We have been waiting on the weather. It keeps snowing. Going to the Sierra Foothills on April 10.