What Did You Learn The Hard Way


New Member
When we did our first overnight canoe camping trip, we were pretty green. We found out a couple of things the hard way. First, always find out what the weather forecast is before venturing out. Second, if you paddle down a fast flowing river, you eventually have to turn around and paddle against that same current. What did you learn the hard way?
Lol, we had to learn that same lesson about planning around the weather! We came back early from a trip once because we didn't have enough foresight to check the weather before we left and it stormed so bad it HAILED on us. Another lesson we had to learn the hard way is to bring your own port-a-john, because the facilities at our state parks are HORRIBLE!!


New Member
Lol, we had to learn that same lesson about planning around the weather! We came back early from a trip once because we didn't have enough foresight to check the weather before we left and it stormed so bad it HAILED on us. Another lesson we had to learn the hard way is to bring your own port-a-john, because the facilities at our state parks are HORRIBLE!!
I agree! Using the toilet facilities in many state parks can be an entire adventure (or misadventure) on its own.