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    Zelda Here

    Glad to hear you had a great Christmas. You shouldn't feel bad about life getting in the way of camping and the outdoors. You seem very decided about spending more time in the wild and I think that's what matters. As for your son, he sounds like quite the fisherman!
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    solar tent

    I think it would be nice to have a solar tent on a lengthy camping trip. If you have small kids it could make it much easier. Some people can not camp because of their little ones. My sister's son needs to do his nebulizer often, so she needs electricity. A tent like that would help keep camping...
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    Bike lane

    I have never heard of designated bike lanes. I can see why they could be both a good and a bad thing. My wife would have a terrible time driving in a city with them though; she can't bear to drive next to motorcycles so bicycles would really spook her.
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    Coleman 4-1 air matressl; any thoughts?

    Hiking, do you mind sharing the brand of air mattress you use? I am one of those people who has always had bad experiences with them. Maybe you can help us figure out what a GOOD air mattress is and how much you have to spend for one.
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    You can never have too many...

    That's great! There is nothing like a kid having someone to show him the ropes. My kids are still at the age where I would be afraid to gift them with anything that has a hook. I can't wait until they are a little older!
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    Zelda Here

    Hi Zelda, nice to meet you! It's rare to see a single mom making time for the outdoors! I hope we can help you achieve that goal! Do you mind if I ask if you have boys or girls?
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    Fish In Our Pond

    That sounds like a great pond. We want to have something like that one day. Do you have to take any special measures to keep it clean or is it pretty easy to take care of?
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    Chili - oh yeah

    It has been a lot time since I have had chili. It does sound wonderful though. We made a big pot of chicken soup from scratch last night. I love soups and stews on cool nights.
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    Took our 88 year old Grams camping!

    I hope I am still camping and backpacking well in to my 80's! I think it is great that they still get out there. Both of my parents stopped in their 60s due to health issues.
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    Kids Trading Toys

    I like to take my kids to garage sales and have them bargain. They get better at it each time and people seem to think it is cute and like to bargain to help teach them. Gets them some extra good deals.
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    Saltwater Croc Caught Alive

    That thing is 21 feet! I imagine it is going to help bring a lot of money to the village when they finish their park. I for one would pay to see a monster like that.
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    Montana, any good big game in the fall?

    In about 3 weeks I am going to Montana. I was wondering if there is any good big game you can hunt in the fall there. Would it be worth it for me to get a temporary license while there?
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    Collecting cicada shells

    I should have thought of that. Yesterday my son thought he found a dead cicada and it was alive. He had knocked it on its back and it was wiggling its feet. I picked him up and put him on a tree, never thought of fishing with him.
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    Official End Of Summer

    That's all folks! Well it came and went and was nuts. We had a mini heat wave, like super hot, melting hot! Then comes labor day and it was drastically cooler! Another one bites the dust!
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    Camping Out Of The US?

    I want to camp outside of the US, but the government won't give me my passport! It is really stupid and just red tape, it really burns me that I can't explore the world because of this.
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    Collecting cicada shells

    This week the kids and I have spent some time collecting cicada shells. It has been a lot of fun and a good learning experience. Do you collect them with your kids?
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    Largest Shark?

    Geeze, that article says that a whale shark can get 14 feet long and weight 14 tons and that they can live to be 70. I would love to see one of these up close!
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    I used to have a check list that I printed out. Anymore it is all second nature to me. I have a mental check list that I run through that rarely lets me down.
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    Hiking Sticks Really Work!

    I like hiking sticks. I don't always use them but I do find there are some situations where they are very appropriate and helpful, plus they can double as a weapon.
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    Survial seminar

    They aren't doing anything like that here, I wish they did. I guess we are just to much of a city for anyone to think that there would be a need for that.