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  1. D

    I've Got Worms

    Lol, I am afraid to ask why the Viagra..... of course if you want to let me in I would not object! How about whiskey and Viagra, perhaps that would help.
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    News and my kids

    I hate the news. I would rather my kids watch a scary show than the news. They happened to see the amoeba thing on the news and now they don't want to go swimming this weekend like planned. They are 9 and 10, what do I say to them? They watched Jaws and were not afraid to swim, stupid news!
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    Pony Rides

    There is a free activity for pony rides later this week. My kids really want to go but I am not sure if they are too old. They are 9 and 10. Do you think they are too old for pony rides?
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    No label tablet computer

    How can you tell I guess the question becomes, how can you tell what the good stuff is and what is junk without having to spend the money to find out. If you bought that and it broke, and got another right there you could have paid double right off the bat.
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    Camping outside the U.S.?

    I did some camping in Canada. It was pretty amazing, we flew in and were truly in a land uncivilized by men. We stayed one week, which was pretty uneventful in no one got hurt. I loved it.
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    Will winter stop you?

    I don't like the cold. I will go out in it and get to the great outdoors, but I will not sleep over night outdoors in freezing weather unless I have to.
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    Winter shoes?

    I have one pair of hiking boots, and I usually wear them year round. A friend of mine says he has his summer shoes and winter boots. What kind of shoes or boots do you wear in the summer?
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    And on the bright side caving is awesome to do then it was hot. On those horrible hot days we had this year it was so nice to get in to a nice cool cave.
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    What draws you to this?

    I love caving, but it is not easy to describe why. No one has ever asked me this question before. I guess it is the wonder of being underground, they mystery and how it makes me feel so small.
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    Camper Lanterns

    I like the idea of the solar powered ones. You don't always know if you are going to have electricity for a plug, and I am not one who is good about replacing batteries.
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    Applesauce Doughnuts

    That sounds delicious, and sort of healthy, at least the apple sauce part. This makes me wish I was camping so I could try this our! I will have to bookmark this for a later date.
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    Poison Ivy and Water

    I never really thought much about getting an infection. I just thought that was something people said. Of course, one day, I did get an infection from an open poison ivy blister, so now I know it is true.
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    We almost never do smores. We try to limit the amount of sweets the kids can have. By the time night has come they have already had their sugar allotment for the day.
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    Bear and cubs

    That is so amazing. There are not many bear where I live so we would never see anything like that. I can not blame you for feeling a little bit scared.
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    Sleeps ???

    I guess it depends on the people and the kind of trip. I find a 2 or 4 man tent is pretty actuate. However, if you are really going to sleep 8 it would have to be the right 8. The tent might get pretty cramped and to cramped for complainers.
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    Best Brand of ATV?

    With all of the people around me trying to sell ATVs because they have bills to pay I am thinking about getting one. It seems like there are all different kinds. What is the best brand of ATV?
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    Rubber Raft Weight Limit

    I got a rubber raft at a garage sale and I was curious if anyone had a guess of what the weight limit on one of those things are. I think it seats 4 or 6, I will know for sure when I blow it up.
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    Things Are Getting Tough

    This is why we buy extra each month and stick it in the basement. To do that we had to give up a lot of luxuries. No more going out to eat and a lot more shopping at good will.
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    Wood Burning survival stove

    What exactly is a wood burning survival stove made for? I can not imagine how you would use this inside a house. It doesn't sound like something you could carry around with you either.
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    How long was your last hike?

    My last hike was at a place in Ohio Called Great Seal. It was a pretty good walk about 7 miles and pretty nice hill to climb with a steep grade. What was your last hike?