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  1. T

    Illness-Time Out

    If someone you are camping with gets poorly, do you all go home? If it's minor, say they develop a cold? Do you assume you'll all get sick so hit the road, or stick it out?
  2. T

    Bad drivers and campers

    Yes, yes I am. It freaks me out when I don't know what others are doing and worse-if they don't know what I am doing, how can I expect them to give me the space that I need?
  3. T

    Taking things for all weather

    Yeah, I tend to be prepared for everything as well. There's no point in going for a trip and losing out and having to go home. Better to be prepared so that you can enjoy your time away.
  4. T

    Worst case scenario.

    My worst was on manoeuvres with the RAF. We were staying in pretty large tarp tents, on cots. We had a storm and a flood tore through our field. We couldn't move the tents, they all leaked and the best we could do was put our bags up on our cots. The roof leaked, the beds were soaked but we'd...
  5. T

    Cold Weather Use

    What's the coldest that you've gone camping (in general) and in particular, what is the coldest that you've taken your pop up or trailer out?
  6. T

    pop up vs. trailer?

    I agree that the RV isn't camping. I guess it comes down to horses for courses-with kids it's hard to go with less. We don't do electronics, but we do need to keep them comfortable enough that they don't complain about camping with us.
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    Biggest Trailer?

    I am the happy owner of a Coleman Colbalt. It's not huge but it suffices for our needs. I'm curious though-what's the biggest pop up that you have seen?
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    Traveling to countries where you don't speak the language?

    I've always tried to learn enough to get around, or else travelled to places where I had a grasp of the language. I speak several European languages, so can make a good stab at it.