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  1. T

    Fixing up an old one

    If you want to, and are willing to learn then I think that this is the perfect project. Don't rush it, but take your time in fixing it up and you might enjoy it.
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    Raw fish

    I guess that at least whilst it is fresh the risk of disease is minimal. But still, the fish could have an infection-I guess I'm a stickler for this, I wouldn't do it.
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    This weekend a friend got hurt when out. They hadn't checked where the nearest hospital was before they left, so they lost time looking. Isn't it common sense to know where there is a hospital when you are away?
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    Watch out for opening car doors....

    Any time you go past a car-whether you are on a bike, a motorbike, or are driving a car, you should always leave a door's width in case the door opens. It's common sense. I'm glad she's ok and I hope that the car she hit was ok, and I am betting she learned a hard lesson.
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    Bleach for Water Treatment

    You can boil water too don't forget, if you have your stove handy. That will kill parasites too, and even exothermic bugs should be killed by properly boiling for long enough. I'm not sure how effective it is, especially compared to chlorine which we know is in tap water. That said, boiling is...
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    Bleach for Water Treatment

    Chlorine is used to treat even tap water. You use 16 drops of 5-6% bleach in a gallon of water. Not scented bleach, and it needs to not have any additives-not be color safe or anything, just regular bleach. Add it to the water, stir well, leave half hour to stand and treat. Smell it-it should...
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    For a Hunting Newbie

    I have to admit that cleaning the game is the part that worries me the most. I can cook it just fine, but have to deal with cleaning it isn't so easy. Time to get some lessons from my mother before I take this any further.
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    Sites With Electric

    If you take a trailer out, do you always look for a site with electric, or doesn't it bother you too much? Our trailer is just somewhere to sleep, we're not in it for a home away from home.
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    Cooking and Bad Weather

    If I'm out and it's cold, I just make sure I carry some Fire ribbon-use a fire paste to pre-warm the cooker. It lights easier that way. Rain is harder, but I'll cook under an awning, and use a wind break if I need it.
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    Commercial Hammock

    It depends on what you are looking for. There are tent hammocks if you still want a little more protection, but still want the comfort of a hammock. If you google it, you'll see a good range of options.
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    Illness-Time Out

    Absolutely Grandpa-it's never come up for us before where we even considered it, but we have had injuries that we had to stretcher out, or other illness that led to us part carrying a person.
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    Warmest Fabric

    I like to use several fabrics together. I have cotton against my skin, with wool or fleece next. On the outside I use something that is wind and waterproof if needed, or just wind proof if it's dry. If it's really cold, I use two middle layers.
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    For a Hunting Newbie

    If you've never been hunting before, how do you get started? How do you go about getting a license for a rifle for instance, and where can you learn to, and practise shooting?
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    In tent air conditioner

    On a humid summer day, that would just leave all of your gear damp and clinging. Personally I don't think it's a good idea, I certainly wouldn't spend my money on it.
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    Is it Spring?

    We've had so many ups and downs, and warm spells then more snow that I don't know whether I'm coming or going. It's been a very confusing time all told, and I've had enough.
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    We have a bunch of these, but not for camping. We live next to a major military base-one that, for various reasons would be a target if anything big went down. So we have an emergency box for the family that we can throw in the car, and we have MREs in there.
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    Care of Your Trailer

    How do you look after your trailer in the winter, when it isn't in use? How do you pack it away for the winter, so that it doesn't get damp or so on?
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    Giardia in the water

    I've drank stream water before too, to later find a dead sheep in it when I hiked up the mountain. Yes, we have good immune systems. And ultimately, humans evolved drinking water like that.
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    More Food

    Try taking mostly dried foods, as they last the longest. If you have a car to take with you, then the biggest worry is the fact that they tend to take up a lot of room.
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    Pet Care

    We have a neighbor who will feed our cat, who has a flap that she comes and goes through. So there's not a lot to worry about. Could you use a boarding kennel?