Search results

  1. G

    Sunglasses and hats

    I always have a wide hat and my sunglasses to protect me from the sun and the glare in a canoe. Migraines are not welcome when camping.
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    What do you take with you to hunt

    A couple of knives, some ropes, and a pellet gun can be a lot of help when you need to look for your own food while camping.
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    Scuba Diving

    Scuba divers say it is easy. I envy them, exploring the underwater beauty and swimming with the fishes, but I cringe at the thought of sharks.
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    Goodbye Technology

    I bring my cellphone with me everywhere I go. Can't tell when an emergency comes up, so it's always handy to have it with me.
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    Learning How To Be Stealthy

    Stalking a prey is harder but if you really know how, is worth it. Waiting for a prey takes longer and may not produce any results at all especially if the prey can smell your presence.
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    Owning or Renting Canoes

    2coastcamper has offered a good formula for making your decision. If you plan to go out on the water more often in the future it will be a good investment.
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    Hiking in the Rain

    It depends on how much rain is pouring. If it is a raining buckets, I find any kind of shelter and wait out. If it is just a shower, I go on.
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    Cheap tents

    For outing in parks and other campsites, an inexpensive tent does well for me. I don't go into places that need a more secured or an expensive kind of tent, so I don't need one.
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    Using ATV's for work

    There could be many practical uses of the ATV aside from the pleasure it brings as an outdoor vehicle for sports and recreation. It could also be a great utility equipment.
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    Caught in a storm

    I've experienced being in a motorboat that was caught in an oncoming storm, and the waves were really huge, I thought we would capsize. We could only pray that we could reach the shore on time, and we did, thanks be to God! It was really scary.
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    I've been in a small cave at the foot of a mountain before, and while inside, I thought, what if an earthquake comes while we are here? What shall we do?
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    Too much snow?

    There had been too much snow in the Eastern part of the US recently. How has it affected you and your family?
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    Hunting trips

    I would love to try hunting on a different ground, but I'd like to do it with some friends and a very good guide. It won't be a good experience to get lost in unfamiliar territory.
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    Fishing with the Family

    Did you ever take your family out on a fishing trip during summer camp? How successful was the fishing experience with the children and the wife?
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    I have experienced riding in a boat with some friends that capsized because there was so much movement that it became unbalanced. Luckily, we were all wearing life jackets and were still near the shore.
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    Bareback Horseriding

    I can imagine the discomfort and the feel of the horse's every movement with your lower torso. Won't you also get soaked with the horse's perspiration?
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    Hot water system

    Would a solar powered water heater work as well during winter? I wonder how much efficiency you can get from it with partial winter sun.
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    I always carry water with me anywhere I go, and it is always a necessity when you hike, as well as some other basic stuff that you need to put in a backpack like mosquito repellent, sunblock, towel, meds, etc.
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    Buying Online

    If you are going to buy online, you should buy from a reputable seller and make sure about the details and conditions of the equipment you are going to buy as well as the terms and conditions involved.
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    Video Camera

    You can choose one with an auto focus feature and a bigger memory card from among the available ones in the market. There are no hassles, you just point and shoot videos or still.