Search results

  1. P

    Greetings from Alaska

    we are doing well... the economic environment is much better up here.. there ae plenty of jobs.. just remember the cold comes with it too.. -45 tonight:)
  2. P


    HEH... Cold is -20 or lower.... you don't realy feel much difference after -20 tho, you are usually too bundled.. Shorts weather starts around 50 above in the spring... In the interior it isn't unusual to ge several 90 degree days in the summer with the occasional 100 degree day every few...
  3. P

    Hello All

    I remember bass fishing in Minnesota and Wisconsin.. great stuff:)
  4. P

    Noob alert!!!

    I don't know about Mississippi camping... There is plenty of that here in AK though.. Jobs too...
  5. P

    Hello from Northwest Ohio

    Dreaming of freshly roasted trout now..
  6. P

    Hello Y'all

    greetings from a fellow adventure business operator.. just in Alaska:)
  7. P

    Greetings from Alaska

    I am the Owner/Operator of Alaska Dream Adventures, Canoeing and kayaking in the great Alaskan wilderness:):) I am an avid outdoorsman who enjoys bicycling, fishing, paddling, hiking, ... etc.. I have a family of 5 who shares this great adventure called life with me:):) For those of...
  8. P

    Up The Creek Without A Paddle

    I have used saplings before.. they work for poling or paddling.. not very efficient for paddling but they work.. I always bring a spare paddle tho..(now)
  9. P

    required to carry

    where are you?? in AK the Required list is simply a PFD per person a lot more is recommended, but that is all that is required here
  10. P

    Best rates to rent?

    In Alaska there are places that range from $20 a day to $65 a day..
  11. P

    kayak or canoe?

    I also say canoe due to exit ease in the event of a tipover.. the kayak is a little more dangerous...
  12. P

    Good Age To Teach Canoeing

    my 5 year old paddles well.. my 3 year old hasn't got it figure out all the way yet:)
  13. P

    Kayak verses Canoe

    A Kayak is a Covered Deck Canoe... this is the most general case... there are some very major differences in capabilities. Canoes.. Wider and deeper than most kayaks (they still come in a wide variety of lengths and shapes) Most generally used canoes have seats in the bow and stern, or a...
  14. P

    Looking to buy a canoe

    I have several different types and it depends what you intend to do with the canoe.. I run Whitewater and paddle lakes as well as play Ultimate frisbee modified for canoes and kayaks.. for a family boat (I have 3 kids) I generally use one of my aluminum boats, but that is because they are...
  15. P


    It all depends on the type of water you are going to be on.. and the intent of your trip.. I have a few different kayaks and suggest you rent a couple type to try them out... The more you get into whitewater boats the shorter they get, I've seen 6' long boats... and sea kayaks can exceed 20'...
  16. P

    Snow Tires for Bicycle

    Depending on the bike, there are studded tires available and cables you can get... I find that as long as it is colder than 0F or so you don't really need anything special.. it's when it get's close to freezing that it becomes a problem... There are also double wide mountain tires for snow, but...
  17. P

    Longest ride?

    70 Miles to the Hot Springs.. then a long soak:):) But the trick is the weather.. The coldest i've ridden is -67F.. that ride was only a couple miles but it sure felt the longest.