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    What's on your Backpack?

    I like the feedback of fellow Hikers on what to take and not take whit you on a day hike? Lest said you are going on a day's walk to a trail in a state or national park, and want to be ready for anything. Whats on your backpack? :tinysmile_hmm_t:

    Hiking Alone

    Rookie: you sound more expert than most people I see in the woods some times. Like most of the friends here said, let someone know, pack all the safety stuff, and be alert. some times is better alone than in annoying company. "Take a hike"

    A small hiking tip

    My friend is exercise u r doing or hiking? Because I hike to enjoy nature and be close to it, so what's the rush. Start early OK Pack lite OK, plan ur hike so u can enjoy, don't rush. Take a camera next time, that slow u down a bit.

    What are your favorite lightweight backpacking foods?

    ok this is my stuff it's called peanut butter balls, is a mix of cornflakes(any kind), peanut butter, corn syrup and sugar. u heat up everything but the flakes, then mix it all, don't let it cool to much, scoop a big tablespoon and make balls. let then cool off and put them in zip locks bags. is...

    Do You Hike on the Path or Stray Away?

    I don't like the path to much but if u r in a park u have to stay in the trail. What I like to do and I do very often is when I find a good area I want to explore I go to any satellite map site and look for the area where I want to walk, take an aerial pic of the good spots and go. p.s. U can...


    Any where I go in the woods I'm in the lookout for snakes so try to keep my eyes open for anything, but thats a hazard I didn't count on. Thanks

    From NC, USA

    Hello: From Lenoir, NC. Thanks to the technology outdoor fans from all over can get together and share their questions and experiences. Thanks to my Dad I like nature from youth and that passion I have pass on to my daughter,I like hiking, camping, backpacking, fishing,... is so much stuff out...