Mother of all pranks


Well-Known Member
Can't get it to load! But I think it would be "Atomic Sit-up's", Had some troops pull this off on an unsuspecting young GI in Panama. I never heard of it until them and was totally enthralled on how they lured this guy into it. There is a video of i Atomic sit-ups on Youtube, but it doesn't do justice to how these troops pulled it off. Truly a classic prank!


New Member
OMG, that is gross. My husband just watched it with me and said he would become a mass murderer "House of Teens Found Dead."


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video!

When I saw this done, I was assigned as an evaluator during training with a squad of paratroopers in Panama. As we waited for the event to start, I could hear these guys all taking about atomic sit-ups, I never heard of it so I just sat back and listened. Little did I know they were setting up some poor unsuspecting newbie. The conversation went on and on about how it's impossible to do one because of the pain and psychological effect. Finally this one guy finally says "what is ts, I'll try it", The set up of this is to convince the guy that while laying in bent knee sit-up position, wearing a blind fold, some one would give him a "pink belly", immediately after, some one would yell go and he would try and do one sit-up. The fact that your blind folded and in pain, your body would shut down, not allowing you to move. This is all BS of course! Any how the hook was set and they reeled this guy in 100%. There he lay's, on the ground, ,blind folded and getting the worst pink belly of his life when I see guys starting to pull out those little 110 pocket cameras we all used to carry to the field. Then this guy squats over him and drops his draws. Someone yells go and this guy does a partial sit-up into a weeks worth of jungle funk! This guy didn't just pop up and drop back down, he rooted in there for a moment trying to sit completely up. Really giving it his all to prove everyone all wrong that an atomic sit-up can be done. This probably one of the best pranks I've ever seen and it was pulled off splendidly.