Doomsday Preppers


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to good journalistic reporting where information was put out to inform others and not to stereotype a group. Seems like most of the stuff you watch now is all about slamming someone or something. It may not come right out and say it but a lot of the time it seems to leans toward the negative side. I myself am not a dooms day prepper, but I don't knock those who do. If I lived in another area and could afford to prep the way I'd like too, I'd most likely fall into the same category.


New Member
I didn't catch that particular show but the lamestream media somehow always finds the bigges nutcases and oddballs to focus on when doing these shows.

We learned the hard way not to openly discuss prepping after the "Millineum bug" hysteria. My neighbors called me a fool and laughed when I advised them about stocking up just in case the grid went down.

Hurricaines Katrina & Rita kinda drive the point home for some of then a few years later and then after the big ice storms of '08/'09 I had the same naysayers asking me to take them and their familes in as they had no power, no heat and no way to get out for supplies.

I had to re-explain the concept of reinforcements come bearing beans, bullets and bandaids (so to speak...) and refugees bring nothing but demands. Reinforcements are welcome, refugees get directions to the shelter and advice to dress warmly.


New Member
I see no problem with being prepared. If you can't take care of yourself, you wouldn't last long in this neck of the woods. With grocery prices going through the roof, we have been using some of our skills to bag a few squirrels and rabbits as well as an odd deer or two. Our potatoes have been harvested and we are squared away for the winter.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
The history channel just had an excellent 2 hour show called "The Day after Armagedon". No nut case here. The actors would do a small bit, then the experts would talk about what to expect and what should be done. In this case, their armagedon was a pandemic. The show did an excellent job of portraying the three biggest problems; panic, denial, and then lack of preparation. All in all a very good show everyone should see. They dealt with everything from empathy and cooperation, to defending oneself and family. They focused more on mental preparation than storage, of knowing that the power would go off, water shut off and sewage problems and how to handle the problems. Great portrayal of a national bad hair day.


fear no beer
Is that the one were a family of three leave L.A. and go to Ohio? The father dies of an infection. And in the end it shows the kid watching the video camera?

I've see a few Aftermath and Day After ones on History, Discovery and National Geographic. Not sure why but I love watching those shows. The wife hates them though.


New Member
Thanks Grandpa! We don't have tv, but I will look around online to see if I can find it. We have been trying to re-stock our food storage as quickly as possible because we keep having to dip into it with these grocery prices. Hubby just HAS to get a couple of deer this year.


New Member
I think that anything can happen to the Earth. Heck, a meteor could strike and take us all out. Those kinds of doomsday shows fascinate me. I don't live in fear at all, but I just try to keep an open mind about what possiblities there are.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
Just remember, the first problem people have to overcome is denial. Thinking it will get better tomorrow or the storm just can't be that bad doesn't cut it. The second problem is panic when you realize, you are in trouble. Once you have these two problems whipped, then you go about surviving.


New Member
We learned the hard way not to openly discuss prepping after the "Millineum bug" hysteria. My neighbors called me a fool and laughed when I advised them about stocking up just in case the grid went down.
Actually, this is a pretty good example of how silly a lot of this stuff is. The power didn't go out. The banks didn't close. In short, nothing happened.

If I lived in California, I'd take precautions against earthquakes. Along the south coast, hurricanes, but a collapse of the federal government?

Some of you folks need to live your life and stop worrying so much. Spend your money on your families and stop planning for something that you're never going to see in your lifetime.


New Member
Being prepared for me has always meant having a will made and leaving a house in order. That's kind of done with me. I do have a hurricane drawer, but we live in eastern NC, so it's a must. We refresh it every summer.


Novice Adventurer
Sunny Alabama
Too bad everyone around you will be prepared with AK47`s and such, JimBob. Maybe someone will share with you, but if you think you can just storm a place and get what you need, then you might not last long. I watched the doomsday show last night and this ladies husband did not approve of her prepping. She did it behind his back and had some great hiding places. She had a king size bed and she had the thing taken apart and tons of food in the under space. I kept thinking, it would be ironic if she happened to die during doomsday and did not get a chance to tell her husband where the food was hidden. He could die of starvation and never even know he was sleeping on food or that soup packets were hidden in the hollow space in the doors. Oh yea, can`t forget about the tuna cans slid carefully under curio cabinets and such.


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia
Last I checked we do live in a free country and those who do not want to prepare don't have too. those who want to prepare for have the right too. Most Americans today think we are loosing our rights and freedom.

I am going to veer off that path a bit to let you know about an AMAZING book that I just got done reading. It's One Second After by William R. Forstchen. This is a fiction book about what would be the likely results of an EMP going of in the atmosphere. Although this isn't a highly likely scenario the same effect could happen if a solar grid took out the power grid.

I rate this a 5 of 5. It's an excellent read and really makes you think about how you prep and more importantly what you would prep. For instance I'd never thought of the issues that would happen in about 30 days for most type 1 diabetics. No insulin they meet an untimely death. Most diabetics have a 1 month supply.

There are plenty of examples in this book. I'd highly recommend that you pick this up as required reading for anyone into prepping. One Second After (9780765327253): William R. Forstchen: Books

New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real…a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages…A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies. Months before publication, One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second.
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New Member
I grew up in a place where you could be stranded by snow for 3-4 days until the roads were passable. That's not the case now, but when we were kids, it's what you prepared for.
Then you become a Boy Scout. Remember the motto? It's come in handy a time or two. Nothing wrong with a little preparedness, especially when as a back country traveler, you already have the gear and the skills.

There's nothing wrong with being somewhat prepared.

As for a real serious crisis, like where the grid goes totally down. We're talking not even the electrical needs to power up the gas pumps to fill your "bug out vehicle" to go to another location just to find the same scenario. I don't worry too much about food riots or hordes of people coming for my stuff. Have you been to a Walmart lately?

3/4 of the people there can't even walk without gimpin' , limpin', scooterin' or leaning on their shopping cart half out of breath by the time they get to the aisle where the Twinkies are. The other 1/4 couldn't survive a day without a cell phone let alone bag of Doritos. They'll be dead within a week.

I'll sit home and tend to the garden. Disinfect the water I filter while cooking stuff I've dehydrated and keep myself warm and dry in my house wrapped in the comforts of 800 down.

You guys are all welcome to stop over for coffee.


New Member
An EMP will have minimal effect. Most transmission mediums are already hardened. Think about it. What do you think will do more damage, an induced current from a nuclear explosion several hundred miles away or a lightning strike on the device itself. I've actually had this dicussion with an Excel engineer.

CME (coronal mass ejection) , a big one could have a widespread impact, bringing down the entire power grid, but the duration is relatively short, and the damage would not be permanent.


New Member
So the 1% is going to cause the economy to collapse on purpose? If that happens, then how are they going to make more money? I'm surprised they don't mention the Trilateral Commission and black helicopters.

I am amazed and saddened that there are actually people gullible enough to believe this stuff.

Don't waste your money on this stuff. They're feeding off your
paranoia and selling you a load of bunk.

And hey, if I send NewAmericaNow $15 they'll send me a ultimate prepper CD. What nice guys. I wonder if they'll accept US dollars, or do they insiste I pay them in krugerrands, after all, the global collapse of US currency is just around the corner.
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