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  1. M

    Here's one you haven't done.

    You're right it's something I've never done. It sounds intriguing though, and is something I would thoroughly enjoy doing. Why not consider making it into a movie? I'm sure it would be a best seller if you would keep it clean for families to enjoy.
  2. M

    Reflector Oven

    Thanks for the URL refrigerator. That looks similar to what I remember about the one we made. I'm going to make one and try it out. Hopefully it will work the same way the other one did. It was great.
  3. M

    Potable Water

    Just carry a small glass bottle that has a medicine dropper in it full of chlorox. Put two drops of chlorox in a gallon of water. Shake it and let it set for 15 or 20 minutes. Then you can drink it.
  4. M

    Wild Tea

    I've never heard of pine needle tea even though I grew up in an area where we had lots of pine trees. If you happen to be in an area where there are wild blackberry bushes, you can drink blackberry leaf tea. Just drop in a couple of leafs that have been washed and pour boiling water over it...
  5. M

    The Most Important Thing

    I have never been backpacking before, but I would love to try it. What is the most important thing I should know in order to be prepared? I'm sure everyone will have different ideas about this, but that's okay. I need all the information I can get.
  6. M

    Reflector Oven

    Does anyone know how to make a reflector oven? Years ago I was taught how to make one by the girl scouts and we used it on a camping trip. It cooked biscuits great. However, I've forgotten how we did it. I remember that the back part was covered by tin foil and that is what made the...
  7. M

    Fall Color

    We're from NM and they don't have many trees that change color in the fall, but the ones that do are spectacular this year. We feel it's from the extra rain we got this year, too.
  8. M

    Insect Repellents

    I like Skin so Soft, but I stumbled on a great remedy by accident. Take a Vitamin B complex tablet every day. Evidently the mosquitos don't like the smell of this vitamin mixture and they will stay away.
  9. M

    Traditional Tent or Easy-up Tent?

    I like the easy up tents because they can be put up so quickly. I don't like the poles as they have a tendency to break too easily. If they break on a trip it's a real hassle.
  10. M

    How to Prepare for Rain

    When you first set up your tent, use a small shovel and make a 5 inch deep trench around your tent under the tarp that goes over the top. At the lowest corner make a ditch that will drain the water away from the tent. By doing this, the bottom of your tent will not get wet and your things will...
  11. M

    Storm chasing.

    This is definitely not something I would do for fun and I would never pay someone to take me out to do it. I've seen the damage done by a tornado and I prefer to be as far away from them as possible. They are very scary.
  12. M

    Looking to buy a new digital camera...any suggestions?

    I'm also in favor of looking at the Kodak Cameras. Really just about any of them will work depending on the megapixels and zoom that you are looking for. I'd recommend one with at least a 10x zoom so you can get up close shots, too.
  13. M

    Do you own a horse?

    We own several horses, but they don't cost us very much because we have pasture for them. If you have to feed hay and grain everyday, it would become very expensive. It is also much more work if you keep them in a stable. I wouldn't trade my mare for anything. She is wonderful.
  14. M

    Cooking Carp

    Most people do not eat carp, however a number of years ago we were given a recipe that is delicious. Clean the carp and then lay each one in a piece of tin foil. Pour a good portion of Italian dressing over each fish. Wrap them tightly in the tin foil and place on the coals.
  15. M

    Can you camp in the Grand Canyon?

    I'm not sure if you can camp at the bottom of the Grand Canyon or not. You can ride down on the mules, though, and I know they have a lodge and restaurant at the bottom. There are several camping areas on top that you can use.
  16. M

    Screen Tents

    Do you use a screen tent over your picnic table when you go camping? I have never used one, but I have seen other campers use them. They seem so practical and you would never have to worry about wasps or flies while you are eating. What has been your experience with them?
  17. M

    Bareback or saddle?

    I would opt for a saddle any time. I end up much sorer if I just let my legs hang going bareback. Plus I'm not very coordinated when it comes to staying on a horse bareback.
  18. M

    Saddle Sore?

    I figured out a way to avoid the saddle soreness and it works. About an hour before you go to bed, take an ibuprofen tablet. It will take away the pain and help your body relax while you sleep. The next morning you'll feel great.
  19. M

    The longest you camped?

    We camped in a tent for nearly two months during the big earthquake in Chile. It was a necessity because it wasn't safe to be inside of our house. We thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a very special family time.
  20. M

    Could you live in your camper?

    Seven of us lived in an Apache hard sided popup camper for 6 months. We thoroughly enjoyed it and I honestly think we could have done it indefinitely. Ours didn't have a bathroom so we stayed in different campgrounds. The hard sides kept us dry even in the cold, wet weather.