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  1. L

    In or Out

    Bugging out isn't viable unless you actually have a place to go. 9 times out of 10 one would be better off staying where your prep's are.
  2. L

    Doomsday Preppers

    I didn't catch that particular show but the lamestream media somehow always finds the bigges nutcases and oddballs to focus on when doing these shows. We learned the hard way not to openly discuss prepping after the "Millineum bug" hysteria. My neighbors called me a fool and laughed when I...
  3. L

    Spirit Carvings

    If not done on your own land, we call that vandalism here.
  4. L

    No cabins!

    When I want to stay in a cabin, I go to a motel which offers nice little cabins. When I want to go camping, I just walk into the woods.
  5. L

    Autumn Camping Dont's

    If you're backpacking use a foam mat, not an air mattress. You'll be warmer on chilly nights.
  6. L

    Eating What Nature Provides

    I haven't done this in years but back in my 20's & 30's I'd sometimes pack a .22 take down rifle or have a .22 pistol for bunnies & squirrels. Usually had a handline and some hooks in the emergency kit for fishing. Nothing sharpens the skills like hunger ! I'd bring some freeze dried MH...