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  1. F

    Learning to Drive

    I remember my bad experience of the first time I drove. My friend got off the bus at my house,which was a few miles from her own because we wanted to hang out. She started getting worried she would get in trouble when her mom found out she didn't come home so I offered to drive her home, before...
  2. F

    Do you recycle while camping?

    When you're camping and there is not a recycling option on site, do you save your recyclables and bring them home to recycle? My boyfriend was laughing at me for doing this and I was curious if I'm the only one?
  3. F

    Buying a new (used) camper?

    I think I'd like to have one, one day. No time soon though. I think the gas prices are definitely a valid point, they're insane!
  4. F

    What would keep you home?

    If you have an entire trip planned out is there anything that could come up, and keep you home? Other than a family emergency, or hospitalization I think I go no matter what. I ask because my friend just cancelled her whole trip because her allergies are bothering her. Ummmm, isn't that...
  5. F

    All messed up

    I'm also a Neti pot and Claritin person. That's interesting about the local honey. That's something I've never heard of, and wouldn't have thought of either. Worth looking into, thanks!
  6. F

    Busiest camping weekend?

    I was told that Spring Break/Easter week is the busiest time to go camping? Do you agree? I always thought Memorial Day would be a bigger crowd. Thoughts?
  7. F

    Cubed steak

    When I first read this my first thought was how chewy it would be. You could try marinating the heck out of it first. Also the smaller cut, like shish kabob would help some. Have fun experimenting.
  8. F

    Weekend in the Red River Gorge

    Oh those are awesome. Thanks for sharing. I love seeing new places, just more to add to my list of places to one day visit :).
  9. F

    Yard Sales

    I love yard sales, I don't get to go often enough but I always find great things when I do. I'm not much of a negotiator so I know I could probably get even better deals. I usually just pay whatever the marked price is.
  10. F

    Missing Hiker just found!

    All morning I have been thinking about a 28 year old woman who went missing while hiking in NC 3 days ago. I just read an update that she's been found, and they are in the process of getting to her. I'm so happy and relieved, just wanted to share the great news. Missing Hiker Found Alive In...
  11. F

    Re-thinking any plans?

    I haven't had to cancel anything yet, but I have decided to stay a bit closer to home than I normally do, especially not knowing how much it's going to cost tomorrow.
  12. F

    When does your camping season start?

    Mine picks up around this time, but I do some camping during the colder months as well. As a kid we only went camping in fall and winter, so snow on the ground is just the picture I have of camping.
  13. F

    Poor little rabbit...

    Ugh now that would of had me a little freaked out. I don't like snakes, at all! To have one hanging above me, with the possibility of being dropped on my head. Oh goodness just the thought gives me chills!
  14. F

    Hiking to take Pictures

    I always have my camera with me, but it's more in case I see something I really want to capture. I don't keep it out the whole time.
  15. F

    Safe cooking method?

    I know this is a serious and dangerous scenario but the way you say it is a pretty amusing picture. I feel like I've seen this in a movie before, just can't think of which one. :tinysmile_twink_t:
  16. F

    Poor little rabbit...

    I know it's not rare, but I've never seen this happen. I was hiking yesterday morning (testing out my toe) and 10 feet in front of me a hawk swooped down and grabbed a little rabbit. I've never heard a rabbit make a noise like that before! I stood there a moment kind of dumbstruck, then kept...
  17. F

    Best wood for flavor

    Hickory is the first thing that came to mind, but no we don't plan out any type of wood for camping. If you have the option though, it would be worth it.
  18. F

    Nutty movie

    I hadn't heard of it until the Academy Awards, but it was nominated so much I got it from Netflix. I enjoyed it, and it's definitely more of a what not to do.
  19. F

    First Time on a Kayak

    Oh how exciting! I love kayaking and still remember my first time. Definitely stay someplace calm, wear a life jacket and enjoy. If where you are renting from doesn't offer lessons, don't hesitate to ask for a quick run down. Have fun :)
  20. F

    Transparent canoe

    That sure is different. I think it would be great for beautiful clear waters. Not sure it would do much good in the water pictured. Thanks for sharing though, I've never seen anything like that.