Search results

  1. F

    When to go to sleep?

    I like this suggestion. After a full day of outdoors and fun they'll tire out before too late anyway. I wouldn't set a strict time though. Now, if 1am rolled around you may have to put your foot down :tinysmile_twink_t:
  2. F

    East coast camping?

    If you could camp anywhere on the mid (MD area) to southern east coast of the US where would you go? Preferably somewhere with challenging hiking, not too touristy, tent camping. I'm thinking Appalachians, but where?
  3. F

    Fishing License?

    It is very easy to get one, and worth it to avoid any troubles. Here you just pay for it and register. I'm pretty sure you can find all of the requirements online.
  4. F

    Roasting marshmallows

    I've been roasting them in the fireplace all winter! I'm considering putting in a fire pit in the backyard just for this reason. We are planning our first big camping trip of the year now and this is one of the things I'm really looking forward to.
  5. F

    Since when did you learn fishing?

    I have been fishing as long as I can remember. I have pictures of me and my dad on a lake when I was 3. I used to beg my dad to take me out. I'm looking forward to introducing it to my future children.
  6. F

    Like the most about hiking?

    The peace, the fresh air and the challenge. I like everything there is about hiking, but finding a less traveled, challenging hike is a perfect day to me.
  7. F

    Yummm-A New Recipe

    I think the cheese is what will make the difference from what I normally do. I'm interested to see how it turns out. Thanks for the recipe.
  8. F

    Water sports!

    Well I certainly can not say I was around to do that, but it looks awesome. I think I would be terrified to do that! Have you?
  9. F

    Love the water but cannot swim

    Why not learn now? As everyone mentioned private lessons are readily available, and fun! What you gain from the class would definitely be worth it. Good luck :)
  10. F

    Hey there, another newbie :)

    Hey everyone. My name is Shay and I live in NC. I'm excited to have found this forum, I spend most of my time outside (when I'm not working). My boyfriend and I love to camp, hike, kayak and many many other activities. I'm looking forward to chatting more, thanks for having me!