Search results

  1. freedommachine


    How pratical would it be to kayak on a calm lake with a dog that is 170pounds. Me and my wife have large dogs and thought about if there is anyway possible to put a big dog in a kayak. The dog,she would have a life vest but I dont think It would be wise to even try but we would like some...
  2. freedommachine

    Shoes/boots for walking on rocks

    I always hike in trail shoes, but caving boots that cover your ankle are very important. When you eyes are looking where the light is pointing you can easily step in a crack in the floor, if it is rocky you could tear up your ankles easily. Caving require good gear to do it safe. Because one...
  3. freedommachine

    Pack Weight?

    I would say between about 16-30 pounds. Yes it does change through out the year. Summer less cold weather clothes will be needed as compared to winter months. Some people are ultra light, but it seems like they do not have enough survival gear.Its really hard to say actual pack weight for that...
  4. freedommachine

    Camp Blender

    Making smoothies! Like after hike smoothies full off protein,fruits, etc.
  5. freedommachine

    Camp oven

    No I havent used one but now I want one.
  6. freedommachine

    Moldy Tents

    Resetting up tents at home is the only option if packed away wet. I have even layed a tent out inside my house to dry it because it was raining outside
  7. freedommachine

    4 days of camping

    You couldn't of said that any better! If you can be over prepared be over prepared. Nothing wrong with playing it safe.
  8. freedommachine

    Almond milk

    Way ahead of you, thats stuff is great. Me and my wife started using it a few years ago. Camping it goes good in cereal,drinking,oatmeal, just what ever you need milk for. We even keep some in the house as extra in the cupboard if we run out of regular since it doent need to be refrigerated...
  9. freedommachine

    How much gasoline do you take camping

    This isnt a 4x4 question, any car needs gas. When you camp out in remote places to you have to take extra fuel, feel comfertable taking extra or never been that far out. Me and my wife normally take between 5-15 gallons depending on where we go. I like to go out in the mountains and see people...
  10. freedommachine

    Cave insects...

    Last year for valentines day me and my camped out to do some caves. It was snowing pretty hard out so it was leaking in the caves. Well anyways we did a lava tube, crawled for almost a mile on our bellies. I think it was towards the end Laying on my belly looking at the water pooled up in the...
  11. freedommachine

    Rain Gear

    I agree it is almost impossible to stay dry with rain, even gortex. But depending on pack size it is almost better to just get wet,if you are hiking you should stay warm enough. Then bring the gortex and dry clothes in your pack and change once you have gotten to your destination. Plus if you...
  12. freedommachine

    Pocket Chainsaw

    I have been thinking about handles as well. I would like to look one up or go to the store and look at one see what the namebrand ones use. I know I have seen one with like key rings to put your pointer fingers in, sounds painful. Even a powerful chainsaw can have trouble at times,let alone your...
  13. freedommachine

    Rain Gear

    I cant remember the brand, but my marine corps issue digital gortex top and bottom work really well. It is a little pricey new, but you might find it used at a surplus store if you are into that kind of stuff. Lots off pockets, zipper to open sleeves and let you breath.
  14. freedommachine

    Campfire Marshmallows

    Sounds like overkill. I could just see some 100pound woman or 8 year old kid trying to tackle one of those on the end of a flaming stick. Then followed by marshmellow burns, and sore gut.
  15. freedommachine

    Variations on Smores

    Chocolate grahm cracks!!! Most everyone like chocolate. Nake some smores with chocolate grahm crackers,chocolate marshmellow,and chocolate bar, no one should resist.
  16. freedommachine

    Lets see evryone looks like

    heres me
  17. freedommachine

    Do you rough it, or bring luxuries?

    camelbak hydration blader can make a cool pillow. Its like a water bed pillow. I used to use mine when I was in the Marines. Make a comfy pillow when about half full.
  18. freedommachine

    Least Favorite Part Of Camping?

    98% prencent of the places me and my wife camp dont have bathrooms,but I could see where that would be gross. I would say bugs,bugs like me,I dont like them.
  19. freedommachine

    When does your camping season start?

    Here in the pacific northwest most camping spots in the mountains are under 10-15 feet of snow. But if we can find a lower elevation spot we will camp anytime of the year. Cold is no problem. Me and my wife have a tent heater and good sleeping bags. Places like the redwoods are cool to camp at...
  20. freedommachine

    Lets see evryone looks like

    iI have seen this come up on other forums, so lets try it here. Post a pic of yourself if you want.