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    The crayfish from the ocean are just beautiful, but so expensive. I've never been able to afford one. I can't understand why they have to cost so much. My partner unfortunately doesn't know how to catch them so I guess they'll stay a high priced item on our list!
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    How Long?

    I like to go for only a few hours at a time. I'm not all that fit and I don't think you need to go for the whole day in order to get enjoyment out of nature.
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    kids and bows

    They're hard to shoot in my opinion! I'm not sure if I'd like my kid to have a toy bow and arrow set. Not for the fact that everything now a days is classed as 'violence', but the fact that he'd probably poke someones eye out!
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    More than 1 tank?

    I have a small one burner cooktop that's enough for the two of us. It takes small gas can the size of paint spray cans. You can get them for $5 for a pack of 4 so it's a good price. They fit easily in our bags and we never go away for more than 2 weeks camping and they last us the whole time.
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    Un-floating paddles

    Don't you just love those moments?! It's those type of words that stick with famillies and friends for a life time. Next time ask him 'will the canoe sink'?!
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    Easy meals

    I'm in to lovely home made baguettes with fresh fillings. I don't like a boring peanut butter sandwich. Why settle for second when you can get the best?!
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    Most challenge animal to hunt

    Foxes in Australia are often very challenging to hunt. They are very fast and often 'hide' behind bushes and believe you can't see them! Poor things, I feel sorry for them they don't know how stupid they are!
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    It's all very well to say you love mushrooms but be careful which ones you eat! If you're camping I strongly advise you don't pick anything that is just growing in the woods. There have been so many cases of people perishing on trips due to eating poisonous mushrooms.
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    Have You Ever Been Given A Horse?

    Wow, the situation must be getting pretty full on for this guy. I mean to give a horse away for free is quite drastic. Unfortunatly I live on the other side of the world and I couldn't possibly get one over here.
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    In the 4x4

    My husband has a Toyota Landcruiser which is a run around car too. When we go on our annual hunting trip it fits a ton of stuff in it and we put up the spotlights and can hunt at night. It's a real old thing now, but who cares how old as long as it drives and gets you from a to b.
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    I know paintballing isn't exactly like hunting but I think it gives a person good hunting skills. I go a couple of times a year paintballing so I can get some practice skills in for when we go for our big hunting trip at the end of the year. Anyone agree with me?
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    I love nature but

    I know what you mean by allergies and it can sometimes take over your life. I enjoy the outdoors but have a lot of trouble my my nose and throat. I have to remember to take my medication and a box of tissues wherever I go!
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    I wanted to know what do other people do with their rubbish ie wrappers and left over food when camping? I mean obviously we don't litter, but do you bury it, take it with you or leave it somewhere and come back for it on the way home? I always find I have so much rubbish on me when I get back...
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    Lady hunters

    I was going to ask to ask the same question Abbey! I would like to learn how to hunt, but don't know any women who don't answer 'oh that's animal cruelty, I couldn't kill a poor innocent animal"!
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    Do you cover your tent?

    Our tent comes with a cover so If the weather calls for it we can put it over to keep out the rain. In summer it becomes a hot box with the cover on so we tend to keep it off and have the evening winds blow through.
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    Do you own a horse?

    I love horses andhave always wanted one of my own, but due to work commitments can't have one unfortunately. Every chance I get I go to my friends stables and she lets me ride her's so I have a sweet deal - don't have to pay!
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    I love canoeing for many reasons. I love the calm waters and the wildlife. There's nothing better than taking the canoe out on the weekend or on holidays to relax.
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    Hot Dog Sauce

    Mmm looks like a good hearty recipe. That's the things I like to cook, and it looks like it would make a good amount too. With a big family it's important to find meals that serve everyone well.
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    Well living in Australia - we get a few different animals than bears and deer! Usually when I go camping we wake up to the noise of Kookabura's and Magpie's. We have a lot of feral foxes and rabbits out here that destroy the natural wildlife. I love watching the Kangaroo's graze and if you're...
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    Calling all girls!

    Yep fishing is one of those 'sports' I can't stand unfortunately. I never go with my hubby cause the minute I start talking he gets cross and tells me I'm scarring off all the fish! I usually 'go off' and we end up going home in silence. So I don't go anymore, and he's pleased so it's a win win...