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  1. Yab9

    Do you ever worry about theft?

    I don't think it's a good idea to leave your pet locked inside the tent. First of all, it gets really hot in there, it's not healthy for the dog and second, what's a dog going to do a few hours in a row in such a small place?
  2. Yab9

    +1 Tent Logic

    My tent has a hallway, big enough to store my gear. The hallway is also useful when you need to take your shoes off or for when you're eating and don't want to leave crumbs on your sleeping bag.
  3. Yab9

    Halloween at the campground

    Well, it really is strange to celebrate something way ahead of its time, but if it is for kids, I can understand. It's going to be something like a themed party, right? I hope you'll have loads of fun!
  4. Yab9

    Canned bacon

    Canned bacon is yummy. I usually find it at local stores, but I have to walk a bit to get it. It is either finished quickly, or no one really buys it anymore, or at least it doesn't sell like it used to.
  5. Yab9

    Great score

    You got yourself a great 'thank you'. :) I only carry around a small square pan, similar to yours. It is light and doesn't occupy much space. I bought it especially for camping trips, it's very useful.
  6. Yab9

    sun glasses /shades

    I have my regular glasses on all the time (can't see a thing without them) and for sunny weather I have prescription sunglasses. It's quite a pain changing them whenever the sun gets into my eyes but really it's better than squinting your eyes all the time.
  7. Yab9

    Campground activities

    I never joined their activities, I prefer to be on my own and do my activities :) Of course, I usually camp in the woods or mountains but sometimes campgrounds are a good place to set up your tent.
  8. Yab9

    Start em young?

    What a nice picture! You definitely have to frame it. :) I think starting outdoor activities from a young age is perfect, after a few years you might risk that children get too attached to their computers, TV etc and it may be to late.
  9. Yab9

    Wilderness Therapy?

    Unfortunately these days people can go bananas if they can't watch their shows on tv or be online all the time. It's sad actually, nature has so much to offer and a break from technology from time to time has never harmed anyone.
  10. Yab9

    Recommend a book for day hiking?

    When I go hiking I only read before going to sleep and usually any adventure book will do. Adventure novels go along perfect with the atmosphere and sometimes after I go to sleep I dream about what I just read :)
  11. Yab9

    Phone Calls

    I carry my cellphone but hope Ill never have to use it. I have it for emergencies because you never know what can happen but up until now I never had to use it.
  12. Yab9

    What kind of eating utensils do you use...

    We use regular spoons and a knife that we share. I don't carry forks because I can manage to eat up anything with a spoon and since we're only camping in two's, one knife is enough, there is no need to carry more eating utensils.
  13. Yab9

    Luminous jacket

    I love bike rides but I prefer to ride during daytime. It's not that I won't see the road, it's the number of crazy drivers that scares me the most. I own a luminous jacket that I carry with me but I never used it before.
  14. Yab9

    The Mushroom Hunter

    I love mushrooms so much! But I prefer to buy them at the store. I'm always afraid I'm gonna poison myself one day if I pick them up myself.
  15. Yab9

    Camping Stuff On Sale?

    I also have almost everything I need but when I see things on sale I always check them out, you never know what goodies you can find. I got a lot of my equipment on sale over the years, why pay more when you can get it for less ? :)
  16. Yab9

    If only all search and rescues where this easy!

    Now that's just weird. And also funny, although in my opinion search and rescue missions should be taken seriously. It's really a matter of life and death if you really get lost in the woods or somewhere high on the mountains.
  17. Yab9

    Mythical "Rangers"

    I didn't even think about park rangers before, maybe it's because I've never seen one. Or at least I don't remember seeing any "classic" rangers on my trips. It would be interesting though, seeing some guy in a cool uniform like in the movies.
  18. Yab9

    Air Mattress

    I own one but as long as my back is still fine I prefer the sleeping bag and nothing more. Well, a blanket if necessary. I like nature and all its surprises.
  19. Yab9

    Just go for it or reservations?

    I usually don't make reservation but then again, I usually camp outside the high season. I have a rather small tent so finding a spot is not that difficult for me.
  20. Yab9

    Eating in the tent?

    I prefer eating around the campfire but if it rains I try and lean outside of the tent as much as I can. I don't have any kids so things don't get that messy and I'm always careful not to bring bread crumbs inside.