and now the neighbors really think we are nuts...


New Member
My husband got a new bow last week and has been dying to try it out. So Saturday we bought one of those block things, and he shot it in the backyard for like 2 hours. Our neighbors already wonder about us because we never go out unarmed (they have chained pitbulls that are unstable and we have kids), but I am sure now they think we have lost our minds!
Do you live in the country? I do, and having targets in the yard, is common. You will see fake deer, turkeys, blocks, and even handmade styrofoam ones. In fact, the neighbors here, would probably think you are crazy, if you do not go outside armed! :)


Active Member
West Virginia
A friend of mine lives up in Michigan- she's from Wisconsin and grew up hunting and fishing. Her hubby works for GM as an engineer. He's a total nerd- no interest in the outside at all, talk about an odd couple.

Anyhow, they used to live in one of those toney restricted developments, where you have to get permission to plant a flowerbed. All their neighbors were citified, you know: Priuses, peace sign bumper stickers, Peta types.

So there's a 4-lane road that runs behind their house, and one fall morning a deer get hit by a car and manages to jump the fence into their backyard, where it promptly expires.

My friend hears the thud, looks out back and sees the deer. She hollars at hubby- come help me with this. Together they drag the deer around front to the garage. She call the local law and gets permission to keep the deer. String the sucker up on the garage door track and butchers it over a tarp right there in front of God and everybody. She had it gutted and cut up in about an hour.

The neighborhood kids are loving the gore while their parents are quietly going nuts worrying if they are the next in line LOL.


New Member
Unfortunately we are not in the country, but in an older subdivision (mostly original owners of homes built in the 70's). We go out and do our thing though. We shoot air rifles, and bb guns in the back yard for target practice and have been teaching our two year old as well. I'm sure they got a kick out of that too. Personally, I think she's adorable standing there beside her Daddy with her shooting glasses on holding her little red ryder bb gun.


fear no beer
If it makes you feel any better, we have a window that a bird sees its reflection. Every morning the bird is attacking the widow and crapping all over the window. It is two stories up, and I have no access to it. I've tried scaring the bird away through various devices. About everything put buying a fake owl and finding a way to get him up there. So lately I've resulted in taking my JG Bar 10 airsoft rifle and scaring it that way. It works for a day or two. It often involves me being in view of neighbors when I shoot at it. I'm sure they think I'm strange shooting at my house.

When I use the bb guns at targets often I'm in the back yard and behind the fence so they cannot see. Most around here would not care though.


Well-Known Member
SE Idaho
We regularly shoot in the back yard. In fact, got a trap set up for clays. But we go out across the creek to shoot the rifles. Got a good clay bank for a backstop and ranges marked out for up to 250 yards. Couple miles away the Sheriff has a range set up in an old gravel pit. Kind of neat to hear them deputies blasting away with their fully automatic rifles.