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    I have on occasion, if the stone isn't too heavy and is interesting enough. Usually this is only if it's amethyst or quartz that is special looking. I have yet to find a geode that I could carry although once I came across an enormous boulder and when I got around it, the entire back was all...
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    Managing for native species

    How can trout be the only native fish in your area? I've never seen a body of water have only one type of fish in my entire life - at least, not bigger than a fish pond in someone's yard.
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    Barefoot Shoes?

    It's hard to tell from just a picture but the soles look like the same material as Crocs - are they? If so, they should be comfortable for most people at least for support. I think it must be the lining that holds an odor because the material used in Crocs doesn't hold odors.
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    Rainbow trout disappearing?

    All the places that I used to fish for rainbows since I was a kid have been having fewer and fewer fish the past several years. The only places I've had good luck were where the stream or lake was stocked. Are rainbow trout becoming extinct in the wild?
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    early to rise

    I'm always the first one up whenever I'm not sleeping at home in my own bed. I just don't sleep that well or as deep if I'm not at home. I've always been this way, even as a kid.
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    *New* Liberal Approved Gun Safe!

    That was priceless. If some people had their way, the only people in this country to have guns would be the criminals. They keep adding new laws to supposedly control this and the only people who can't buy guns are those who actually should be allowed to!
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    Do you need a license for a jet-ski?

    I know most areas require a license for motorized boats but I'm not sure if they do for a jet-ski? We are thinking of picking up a couple because a friend of ours wants to sell theirs. Should I call the town hall to ask?
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    Batoning Wood?

    If I'm doing anything beyond a few hour hike, I have a small axe on me. I'd rather be safe than sorry and an axe gets the job done. That way my knives stay sharp for other things.
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    ...Lyme Disease AGAIN...WATCH OUT...!!

    We always check each other for ticks after outdoor activities, even yardwork. It always surprises me that they don't hurt more and make you notice them since they're basically burrowing into your skin.
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    Anyone else getting much needed rain?

    I'm at the northern end of the east coast and we're getting rain, too. It also feels like winter because it's cold, windy and raw. The weather report said we could get up to 4" of rain which is kind of scary. We need the rain but that's a lot to come at once and we may see some flooding if...
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    Glock Knives

    I wasn't aware of Glock making knives. I thought they were a gun manufacturer and didn't realize they made other things, too. Of course, I'm not a big knife buff so that's probably why.
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    Anyone kayak?

    I guess that I should have said what I wanted to do when I posted. We were thinking of this just as exercise and getting out on the water paddling down a stream near my house. From what you guys have said, kayaks would be fine for this purpose.
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    Old Town Penobscot

    That looks like a lovely place to canoe, too. Is that a lake, stream or river that you're paddling onto? Made me wish I was there after the chilly day we've had today.
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    Anyone kayak?

    My sister and her husband rave about how much fun they have with their kayaks. They discovered them about 3 years ago on a vacation and bought their own the following summer. We live too far apart to go together but she has me intrigued. She says they're easier to handle than a canoe. Have...
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    Tiny ATVs

    I can't imagine getting an ATV for a five-year old. At least not for most five-year olds with their short attention spans and daredevil natures. Aren't you afraid he will get hurt?
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    Old Matches

    It's always a good idea to replace emergency kit supplies periodically and quite frankly, I don't think I would have expected 20-year old matches to light. I would imagine that even when kept dry, the substance would deteriorate with age.
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    Shadow box for lures

    You could put one together easy enough as it's a relatively easy woodworking project. A friend of mine put her grandfather's hand-tied flies in a shadow box to preserve them after he passed on. It makes a nice accent in her den.
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    First experience with Scouts

    I was going camping with my folks long before I joined the Scouts. I did go on a couple of camping trips with my troop, though, and we didn't have beds. We set up tents and earned badges doing it.
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    Camping to save money

    I either want to go camping as my vacation or want to stay somewhere with all the amenities. Those are two different types of vacation in my mind, so I doubt I would ever camp out just to save a few bucks on hotels. When I camp, I want to stay in one spot for the entire vacation, not move...
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    Hey all

    I was raised in the country, switching between farm country and the deep woods. That was a long time ago, though, and I've spent the last almost 30 years living in the city. Now that I've divorced, I moved to a more rural location and would like to get back to my roots. Hopefully this...