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  1. B

    Dreading the heat & high electric bills!

    I never realized that central air is less expensive than window units. We live in New England and near the ocean so I'm lucky in that we rarely have a day without a breeze coming in from one direction or the other. We have a window A/C in the living room only, and only use it a handful of...
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    woman gets 20 years for firing a warning shot

    I think 20 years is excessive but I think she deserved to be jailed, given the circumstances. She did leave and then come back with a gun, first of all, so she can't claim self-defense. Second, she fired with two children present.
  3. B

    1-800-flowers sux

    I've only used 1-800-FLOWERS a couple of times and I wouldn't use it again, either. Both times, the flower arrangements were way smaller than they looked and once the 'ceramic' pot turned out to be chintzy plastic.
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    Went canoeing yesterday!

    It's been a long time since I've had the chance to canoe so it was really nice to be able to paddle down a stream near my buddy's house yesterday. He's further inland than we are so it was nice out, not rainy like at home. We just paddled down the stream for an hour or so and then back. Not...
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    Asperger's and hiking

    Asperger's syndrome doesn't affect intelligence. The main symptom of most forms of autism is lack of social skills. You don't need a whole lot of social skills to hike or fish.
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    Boy, do I need help!

    Do you do any outdoor activities? Perhaps if you do, you could start with doing more of that before learning a bunch of new things? I can understand not liking bugs, but even in the city people must get outside for something, right?
  7. B

    Flexible Waterproof Containers?

    I'm sketchy about anything made of flexible plastic. The chemicals used to make the plastic soft leach into the water and no one knows what they do to people when ingested. It's never been fully tested to know what long-term chronic exposure might do.
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    Do you take wood with you?

    We always carry a few logs in the back of the truck for campfires. The wood they charge you for is usually ridiculously priced, for one thing. Plus, this way I know what I have is dry and ready to burn. Depending on where we are, there's usually plenty of deadfall to add.
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    Fishing Field Trips

    Wow. I grew up out in the country in the 70s and we never had a fishing trip for a field trip. Of course, the school probably realized that most of us knew how to fish already.
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    Dog Food Recall

    There have been far too many dog food recalls the past few years. If and when I get another dog, I'm going to feed mine a raw food diet, the way nature intended rather than dry chunks of who knows what.
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    Reluctant Hunters

    I've never seen anyone who was truly against hunting who later decided to try it. People like that tend to be ones who said they didn't like hunting, only because they were too scared or lazy to go.
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    Freezing fish

    This year, I want to fill my freezer with fish, if I can, to have it all winter long. I always try to but by the end of the winter, I always have to toss some because it gets freezer burned. I usually clean them and triple wrap with plastic wrap. Is there a better way or can fish only last...
  13. B

    Do you need a license for a jet-ski?

    Well, goodness, I would never do something like that. That's just plain rude and dangerous. I've seen the same thing with punks with speedboats. In fact, I've come very close to capsizing in canoes because of this.
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    Infant Survival Swimming

    They teach six month old babies to float on their backs? That seems hard to believe. An older toddler maybe, but still risky. Relying on them to remember this in an emergency seems foolhardy to me.
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    Be Aware Of Ocean Undertows

    I live on the beach and every year, we learn of someone being drowned by a riptide or being pulled under by the undertow. Usually several times a summer, actually, and it's so sad. People forget to respect nature and be wary.
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    $20,000 Meteorite

    Is the value based on the minerals or makeup of the actual meteorite? Or is it simply that people are eager to own something that traveled through space and the object has no intrinsic value?
  17. B

    Got some good news

    Good news, Jason. I bet that was a relief for you and your wife. May I ask, what is a level 2 ultrasound? I've never heard the term before. How is your son, by the way? That must have been a rather hard thing to deal with.
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    Wearing A Life Jacket While Fishing

    I don't normally wear a life jacket when I'm out fishing, although I think I would out on the ocean since the fish are so much larger and more could go wrong. I do always have the floating cushions on board any boat I'm on, just for emergencies.
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    Recommended brand/model for a popup?

    We are thinking of getting a popup camper now that we've getting older. Laying on the hard ground in a tent is getting harder to do these days. I don't know much about these so can anyone tell me what the best brands or models would be?
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    Rainbow trout disappearing?

    I never realized that rainbow trout weren't native to the east! Wow. I'll have to look that up and see if I can find out when they were brought east, how and why. I love brook trout, too, so I don't mind seeing large populations of those.