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  1. F

    essential gear

    All the above is great advice - one thing I found to be most useful was being able to talk to somebody who knew about the right size of backpack relative to intended use and size of person. He adjusted the straps and explained why the straps should be as he set them. After that my pack was so...
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    Snow shoes

    Well, I also invested in snow shoes for the first time this winter and I must say that I have enjoyed being able to walk off track from time to time - not too far though - for me thay have been a good buy.
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    No, I've never blogged about anything - but I'm thinking of having a go by way of keeping a b(log) of hikes I hike and fish I catch in 2011. I'll need to get a digital camera I suppise . . .... I'm not very computer savvy, but I hear blogs are as easy as posting in forums !
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    Lake or Ocean?

    I enjoy both, but if I had to choose one it would have to be a lake. I prefer the shoreline and geberal habitat of lakes, I also prefer camping by a lake. I guess they are more peaceful than an ocean !
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    Who Do You Go Fishing With?

    It varies, I'd say 50/50 I go alone or with a friend(s). It is very sad that your female friends react that way - there's a challenge for you in 2011, get at least one of your friends into fishing !
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    Head or tails?

    I'm with le Mentis - I search for a spot where I can to pitch my tent with the opening facing sunrise - and sleep with my head at the opening.
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    Why do you fish?

    My dad and uncles fished and my cousins and I were taken fishing before we could walk. It's just a part of my life. As an adult it is also an escape from computer screens and TV's - I find it very relaxing and full of happy memories.
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    15 Species Challenge 2011

    Hi Rookie - I came up with the list from reading about fishing in Maine and from friends who were "advising" me ... over beer ... Lorax - I know they're small, someone suggested netting them - but I have to check out Maine's regulations. Bobby - yes, I think that I will document my fishing...
  9. F

    Tackle Boxes - what's in yours ?

    Good advice. I didn't mean "suspcious" I meant to say "superstitious" - but your advice still holds good. Yet - I couldn't bear to have a lucky charm and risk losing it ....
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    Solar Stoves

    Well - I used my solar stove for the first time this week, it wasn't particularly sunny but their was a lot of bright UV light and the stove worked - also, it was quicker than I thought it would be.
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    Crazy glue in the first aid kit

    Yes - Dermabond works for me and it is impregnated with antibiotics - I always have some in my basic medical kit. Not sure about Crazy Glue, but if the wound is properly cleaned and disinfected why not ?
  12. F

    Tackle Boxes - what's in yours ?

    Extra line - yes, I forgot about that. Of course I always have some extra line. Also sinkers and lures - I don't have a good luck trinket though, I'm far too suspicious for that. What if I lost it ?
  13. F

    Raise your own worms? I do!

    Unfortunately I don't have a garden - but I do remember one of my uncles doing something like this back home in Peru in the bottom half of a plastic barrel. us kids used to feed vegetable scraps from the table to his worms. Memories !
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    Aversion to dirt

    Hee hee - I'm still rpoud of mine. What else is there to do on a riverbank whilst waiting for the fish to bite ? "Dirt" is a social construct I think. The real issue is hygiene. get dirty - then get clean.
  15. F

    Kahtoola Micro Spikes

    Thanks guys - great responses and advice. Steves - if you could report back that would be great. Lorax and Betty - I shall research YakTrax, thanks for the heads up. Refrigerator - Kahtoola's are definitely on my short list I'll let you all know.
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    Health Watch - Low Sodium

    I had a health check yesterday and have been told to cut down on salt. Then I noticed that most dehydrated meals and "just-add-water" soups have a whole load of salt. Are there any makes out there that are sodium-free?
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    Silnylon or Spinnaker for a tarp ?

    I need a new tarp - and can't make out whether silnylon or spinnaker is the most durable material. I think spinnaker might be lighter weight which is an important consideration.
  18. F

    Kahtoola Micro Spikes

    I'm looking for some strap-on spikes for walking in light snow - the Kahtoola ones seem to get a lot of great reviews and the price is tantalizingly low. Does anybody have them - or can recommend another model ?
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    15 Species Challenge 2011

    I'm challenging myself to catch 15 species of freshwater fish in 2011. I was going to set the challenge at 30 - but decided that I want to win this challenge ! I shall be targetting the following : Brook Trout Brown Trout Lake Trout (Togue) Land Locked Salmon Splake Rainbow Trout...
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    Are You Serious? You Can't Wait for a Trashcan?

    It seems to me that people just don't think - they simply toss their trash away. It must go back to fundamentals - their children will copy them. We need to target the children with right pricipals - it's probably too late for the adults who behave like this. If I see it happening I have to...